Saturday, October 13, 2012

Some Consolation


san said...

They need to rename it the Norwegian Lefty Parliament Prize, because those are the people who decide whom to award the prize to.

Naturally, with Europeans totally consumed by the Euro crisis, the Norwegian lefties are in the same state.

When Norwegian lefties put their heads together, they decide that unproven president-elects deserve a Nobel peace prize. They've now lately decided that the EU commission deserves the Nobel peace prize, because a unified Europe is their precious holy dream.

Whoever helps to keep Norway's bread buttered will be the recipient of the next Nobel peace prize.

Unknown said...

I'd not agree with San above. This years prize only proves that the Committee is firmly in the New World Order grip. What EU has attempted is to bring a bustling society into the firm grip of the Brussels Eurocracy. Actually reducing the freedoms of the people and giving control of the EU banking system into the hands of the Rothschild clan.

I'll agree with the British press which described the award as frivolous, much like the British royalty, which strips down at every camera aimed at them. Wonder why their taxpayers need to put up with such naked abuse of the commoner's blood and sweat.

As on date, EU is still work in progress, despite all efforts to deliver the Europeans bound and gagged to a superstate.Even otherwise, the nations constituting Europe have less claim to nationalism than, say, India or China.

The EU was an attempt at political union. The economic union was only an interim measure, much like Socialism being an interim condition for full blown Communism. The economics of the EU itself is in doubt. Wonder what the Committee thought? Or is it an attempt to increase the legitimacy of the project in the eyes of the commoner?

san said...

I don't see what I've said that contradicts what you've said. The Norwegian Leftist Nobel 'Peace Prize' merely conflates everything from a Norwegian Leftist perspective. Because the Euro drama is very prominent in the perceptions of Norwegian Leftists, that means the prize had to go to the Eurocrats involved in that local drama, no matter how silly and frivolous this looks to the rest of the world. The prize increasingly advertises the local parochial perspective of Norwegian Leftists. As such, it diminishes its credibility before the rest of the world.