Saturday, August 11, 2012

Article: Worst Drought Covers Nearly One-Fourth of Contiguous U.S.

by Scott Olson/Getty Images

The two worst levels of drought now grip nearly one-fourth of the lower 48 states, the U.S. Drought Monitor reported.

About 24.1 percent of the region was suffering extreme or exceptional drought in the week ended Aug. 7, up from 22.3 percent in the previous period...

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Arvind said...

Global Warmists got their grants and certain states have approved carbon trading nonsense. Goldman Sachs gets to profit by carbon trading in Europe.

So here is a question for the global warmists: why was the drought not prevented despite giving grants to scientists to build their models using Matlab and despite the carbon trading market?

Do we need high frequency trading in carbon licenses to increase the volume of trading and stop Global Warming?

Pagan said...
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