Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pak Arrests Informants Who Aided Bin Laden Raid

Pakistan has arrested 5 of its citizens who helped the CIA to raid Osama Bin Laden's compound.

Now, if ever there was a sign that Pakistan was sheltering Bin Laden and opposed to seeing him killed, this would be it. Those who helped the US get Bin Laden have been arrested. So much for Pakistan being an "ally" in the war on AlQaeda.


Pagan said...

Why Chinese Moms Want to Give Birth on U.S. Soil .
Han Demographic Invasion

nizhal yoddha said...

san, surely you jest. there is no earthly need for any further evidence to prove that the ISI is the taliban and al qaeda in pakistan: this is blindingly obvious. the US is simply refusing to acknowledge this. you can always wake up somebody who is sleeping, but not somebody who is pretending to be sleeping.