Saturday, June 18, 2011

Accelerator-Driven Thorium Reactor

A smaller and cheaper type of particle accelerator is being planned, which could finally enable the development of an accelerator-driven thorium reactor, which is a holy grail among thorium power supporters. Such a reactor could operate sub-critically, and would require no fissile seed material.

1 comment:

Pagan said...

Pakistanis tip off militants again .
In the tradition of 'trust but verify,' the Americans carefully monitored the area with satellite and unmanned drones, to see what would happen, after sharing the information a third and fourth time, the officials said. In each case, they watched the militants depart within 24 hours, taking any weapons or bomb-making materials with them, just as militants had done the first two times. Only then, did they watch the Pakistani military visit each site, when the terror suspects and their wares were long gone, American officials said.