Sunday, May 19, 2024

Prof. John Mearsheimer On the Israel Lobby

Here's an interesting comment @ 14:19 from Prof John Mearsheimer on the Israel lobby, and how it wants to stir up conflicts around the world to get the United States involved in them:

This is something I too have long noticed -- and of course it directly conflicts with India's own national interests. India certainly doesn't benefit from a revival of Cold War hostilities between US and Russia, because then India will then be immediately targeted by the West for its ties with Russia, which it cannot afford to just discard on someone else's whim.

Unlike Israel, which has always benefitted from unipolar US global hegemony, India would like to see this unipolarity abate, and see the rise of multipolarity that will give India more latitude and options for its own security. So there is a natural conflict of interest there.

I often see Hindus blindly fanboying over Israel, but blind fanboys can easily be suckered by those who are exclusively looking out for their own interests at the expense of everyone else.

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