Friday, September 30, 2011

Greece & Eurozone: Trapped Without An Exit?

Stratfor summarizes why Greece and its shaky creditors have no way out of their current crisis:

My suggestion: Greece should partner with Israel in exploring and exploiting hydrocarbon reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean. The EU should back them on this. If the Turks get in the way - well, there's nothing like a good war to get an economy out of the doldrums.


sansk said...

In the coming (or ongoing) financial crises the only winners will be those who would lose the least. And it is most likely to involve some war(s) and/or hyperinflationary wet-dreams of some sociopaths commonly called economists e.g. Paul Krugman; busting of a lot of government run ponzi schemes (otherwise known as social secuirty, old age pension).

West has ditched on true free markets and it is time for the consequences.

Eurozone is doomed demogrraphically, economicaly and politally with so many deadbeats sailing in the same rustbucket.
The welfare-state of Eurabia is facing a distressing fact: The Sociallizts have run out of other peoples' money.

The most promising outcome if at all, would be people chasing kleptocrats aka economists out of the town.

sansk said...

Isreal is much better keping away from any economic messing with Greek socialistas. In case you are not aware, the country is european answer to what Indis used to be in Nehru and Indira's time.
Generataions of family run sociallism have encouraged freeloading, repeated and guarunteed economic disasters. I suggestm Isreal would have much better luck in throwing some money towards some random anti-turkish groups in Cyprus.

sansk said...

most of the so-called gains offerred as proof of economic miracle gained from War is result of inflation.

And that is why Cons love some wars.

"well, there's nothing like a good war to get an economy out of the doldrums"