Tuesday, March 02, 2010

no pink panty loose women of karnataka now?

mar 1st, 2010

cat got your tongue, eh, nisha susan (kerala christist)?

no standing up for a woman to 'express herself'? (oh, i get it, nisha susan just wanted the right of a woman to 'expose herself'. i guess this is important for mustachioed bull-dykes -- and since they are a 'minority' their needs take precedence over the rights of everybody else to not be bothered by disgusting displays.)

i'd like to see you sending some green chaddis to the RoP guys who rioted.

in fact, i believe the loose women were in cahoots with the love-jihad types. what the rama sene did was correct -- they reduced the amount of love-jihad in mangalore by telling mohammedan romeos they were on notice.

btw, where are the 'youth congress' guys who blackened rama sene guy's face? why aren't they blackening the RoP guys' faces because they are opposing a woman's right to speak?

no, all the brave talk is only against hindus who won't kill you. when it comes to mohammedans all the 'left-liberal' types are very very quiet.


1 comment:

Unknown said...


Wise words by the Karnataka Home minister and Maulana Wahiduddin...made 6 months ago...