Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dear Texas: Please shut up. Sincerely, History

mar 16th, 2010

meanwhile, clueless christist fundamentalists are living in some la-la world of their own, as the mohammedans are wiping them out in their own original homelands aka the 'holy land' (which term is like 'holy father' for godman ratzy -- very orwellian).

but the texas school board is rewriting history to denigrate all but christist fundamentalists.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <info@

Dear Texas: Please shut up. Sincerely, History

Do you know what else? America was wholly victorious in Vietnam. It's a fact! Kicked some serious enemy butt! Mission accomplished! Sure it was a little bumpy for awhile, but President Nixon, that great and wronged American hero, put us on the righteous path in the end, wrapped that sucker up beautifully and made America the noble Superman to the world. Hey, it's the truth! You can look it up in your history textbook!

Even more good, newly historic news: Despite what you may have heard from the liberal media, America has very much won its recent, God-sanctioned wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Angry Allah loses again! Just look at this handy diagram on page 281, Figure 4-9. See those little dark-skinned bodies stacked up neatly beside that minaret? Right next to that completely unstaged photo of the toppled Saddam statue? Look how many there are! Graphs never lie.

Did you know, back in the frontier days, that Native Americans welcomed the white man with open arms? Absolutely true. Those poor, sunburned people were so beaten down and exploited by their oppressive dictator "chiefs," they were forced to believe in all sorts of disgusting pagan sun gods and had to eat, like, rocks and snakes and stuff.

It's no wonder they greeted proud, fair-minded American colonials as great liberators -- yes! Just like in Baghdad! -- and happily gave us free access to their fields and their women and their wonderful bead-making technology, in exchange for, you know, gin and fireworks. And casinos.

Read more:



Pagan said...

... and the deep love of Jesus -- who, if you look really closely at those old photographs from the Bible, is clearly wearing a U.S. flag pin on his robes ...

This is exactly what American evangelism is all about. If just 1% of Evangelical Dollars are channeled towards free healthcare for the poor here in the US, the sector will be in much better shape. But Jesus will be angry as it clashes with American free market capitalism.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Texas can use a rub inthe face right about now,which also makes me think back to this little article over here:, which ties in quite nicely at this stage.

Hope this helps,

Julian said...



If evangelicals use the money donated by the legions of sheep in their Church to provide charity health care then how exactly would it clash with "free market capitalism".

Free market capitalism has no objection to anyone providing health care or any other charity as long as you don't use gov't force to rob someone to satisfy the mythical "right" to health care of someone else. Indeed that was how things worked in the 50s and 60s. That's how things work in Panjab where starvation is rare because Gurudwara's and mandirs use PRIVATE charity money to provide langar to those in need.

And US is very far from having "free market capitalism", what you have there is corporate capitalism where various big companies lobby the US gov't to do favors for them like set up trade barriers because they can't compete with the Chinese or Japanese. They also lobby the gov't to bail them out using taxpayer money like GM did.