Thursday, August 16, 2018

De-platforming in India Imminent

Media outlets run by Alex Jones, a libertarian independent journalist, whose subscriber base was instrumental in getting Trump elected, have been de-platformed in a brazenly coordinated move by Google, Facebook, Apple, and Twitter, among others.

To kick a man further when he is down, the main portal – was also brought down by hackers.

Nationalist forces will face this Orwellian unexistence unless they push back strongly. The Modi administration needs to rein in Big Tech before it tries its dirty tricks here. Indulging the likes of Schmuckerberg at public forums, and intertwining government machinery with these private platforms does not help at all.

A bit of b***h slapping of these entities, including that Sundar Pichai guy (slimeball) is in order, lest they are entertaining such thoughts.


san said...

There is the idea that anyone is free to speak their mind in public spaces as a guaranteed right- like the Town Square, for instance. But meanwhile these big tech companies have come along and each built their own Square, inviting people to come into it. People have been using these spaces in the same way to socialize and communicate, but then suddenly find that when they express themselves in ways the host companies don't like, then suddenly they get expelled. So free speech is not a right on someone's private property. Does that mean that by taking over the realm of speech and privatizing it, that private companies should be able to regulate speech on their own terms? Can natural market forces be used to remedy this? ie. if a particular social media platform is behaving egregiously in restricting speech, showing bias, etc - then can market competition and the creation of alternative platforms help solve the problem? We've seen China come up with Baidu and other localized platforms to avoid being hostage to foreign tech platforms - could India do the same?

non-carborundum said...

@san, yes that is a good analysis. I suppose some social media originating from outside the US, such as Telegram could be a solution.

Unknown said...

Relevant news. Google Stores purposely not allowing Baba Ramdev's Kimbo from being downloaded.