- Erdogan's plan to expel Kurds: Visa-free travel to EU for Turkish nationals.
- Prejudice against Hinduism on the rise in India: Judges should not dictate religious practices. Political activists should not be allowed to use temples for political agitation.
- Why Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Criticism of Islam Angers Western Liberals: She is the object of vitriol by some on the left, for whom a narrative of the Muslims as victims and the West as victimizers is precious and comfortable.
- Tougher vehicle emission standards: China will become the toughest regulatory regime in the world over the next five years. Honda has said the 47-mpg standard will require it to sell only hybrids in China by 2025.
- Sun salutations with mantras:
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Quick notes: Erdogan's games, Prejudice in courts...
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Trump Nears GOP Victory; Desai Compares Him to Modi
I think it would be nice if Trump and Modi could replicate the famous 'Ron-Yasu' relationship between US President Ronald Reagan and Japan's Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, which smoothed over US-Japan ties. Trumpism and Moditva share a lot in common:
Trump has virtually locked up the Republican Party nomination after a big win in his home state of New York, and a string of further victories last night.
The positive turn for Trump's campaign has been attributed to the elevation of experienced campaign consultant Paul Manafort.
Ironically, Trump is said to be unhappy with Manafort, who incidentally has worked as a lobbyist for Ghulam Nabi Fai and his Kashmiri American Council in the past:
Fwd: d- Ten behavioural traits India must change to successfully counter Pakistan by sanjeev nayyar in Firstpost.com
From: Sanjeev Nayyar
One of the reasons why India is unable to deal with the Pakistan problem is its faulty thinking. The Pakistani establishment (ISI, Army, Government) knows how to expose our fault lines because India's behaviour is so predictable. It is able to keep India on the defensive and export terror relentlessly.
Amongst the many teachings of The Holy Gita and Kautilya's Arthashastra, Pakistan has incorporated two into their India containment strategy.
The Gita repeatedly refers to the importance of perseverance. Pakistan has been implementing its plan to bleed India with a thousand cuts for decades.
The six methods of foreign policy enunciated by Kautilya include "Vigraha - hostilities is another instrument of foreign policy. It is classified into open war, secret war - attacking the enemy in a variety of ways, taking him by surprise; and undeclared war, clandestine attacks using secret agents and occult practices".
Since 1947, Pakistan has followed these teachings to the T.
A solution to the Pakistan problem depends on our soch - As we think, we shall become.
To read full article CLICK on Link above.
Also read two more articles by me.
1. What stops me from loving Pakistan - http://www.dailyo.in/politics/india-pakistan-kashmir-gwadar-khalistan-kargil-dawood-ibrahim-kandahar-ghulam-ali-kasuri-book-launch/story/1/6817.html
2. Understanding the sub-continent Muslim mind through Dr Ambedkar - http://www.esamskriti.com/essay-chapters/Understanding-the-Muslim-mind-through-Dr-Ambedkar-1.aspx
sanjeev nayyar
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Fwd: India does a U-turn, cancels visa+China Remains a Proliferation Concern+Diplomatic chess in Cam Ranh Bay highlights Vietnam's dilemma +Kathmandu faces fuel shortage
From: Sanjeev Nayyar
sanjeev nayyar
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Fwd: Modi government's biggest battle set to begin in the warfield of education
From: S
Date: Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 8:39 AM
Subject: Modi governm
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Quick notes: Western caste system, Land grab...
- Western Caste System: Companies are becoming adept at identifying wealthy customers and marketing to them, creating a money-based caste system.
- Hema Malini got Rs 70 cr land for Rs 1.75 lakh: The land in question is reserved for a garden, and allotment has been done on the basis of valuation prevailing as on February 1, 1976.
- Olympics is not a place for movie promotion: What has ambassador (Salman Khan) done in sports?
- 'Kohinoor, a symbol of British loot': "When the last Mughal court moved to Lahore, many artefacts, paintings and manuscripts were taken by the British. Cultural diplomacy must follow distinct laws of repatriation,"
- Cleaner future: Netherlands joins Norway in plans to end new gas, diesel car sales by 2025
- Drug abuse: White Americans Are Dying Younger as Drug and Alcohol Abuse Rises
- The inner teacher:
#PresentMomentReminder from #EckhartTolle. For more reminders, click here: https://t.co/wyHyLVdBKM #quotes #PMR pic.twitter.com/XuU4hQ0xkx— Eckhart Tolle (@EckhartTolle) April 3, 2016
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Fwd: Each and Every Argument by Modi’s Critics about his Governance Completely Ripped Apart. Do Read it Full !!
From: Capt.(Dr.) S G Naravane
I compiled these points after an argument with one of my friends who said that all this government is doing is marketing and cheap politics. I did not have a definite answer at the top of my mind then, but given the scores of reports I had read as part of my official work, I had a fair bit of an idea that he might be off the mark on that comment.
One request I have from you before you read on – please keep an open mind. For the duration of this answer, forget about what you've been hearing in the media and just focus on the facts below (these have been accumulated from various sources, including other answers on Quora after verification).
Here we go…
· We know about the whole story around our strong GDP etc.; here are few details about the same which are not being discussed on news panels as they are busy with beef and intolerance stories:
- The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) is an index which details out the growth of various sectors in an economy such as mining, electricity and manufacturing. If you say Make in India is not working: IIP as of 25 sept 2015 stands at 2.8% (was -0.1% in 2014 under UPA). Make in India is a first of its kind initiative which encourages companies to manufacture products in India. I would go ahead and attribute some of this stupendous growth in indices to this initiative – feel free to disagree and please let me know if you think otherwise
- Manufacturing, the most neglected sector in our country for decades, is now one of the biggest contributor to GDP growth; Read online to understand why a fledgling economy would always need a dominant agriculture and manufacturing sector (This should help you get started:Manufacturing very important to India: Willy C Shih)
- Fiscal deficit target retained at 4.1 pc of GDP for current fiscal and 3.6 pc in FY 16
- Control over the double digit inflation figures, fall in the customer price inflation to less than 5%, a drastic cut in the current account deficit on trade, fall in the commodity prices etc.
- Fuel price deregulation to avoid subsidies in the future and also to avoid sudden increase/decrease leading to artificial gaps and pressure on the market (read: common people) — if you think subsidies are good (as certain state governments would make you believe), please consult someone with an economics background to understand how subsidies actually hurt people in the long run and are a mechanism by which governments make popular, mass-pleasing decisions while actually hurting the economy – all the while making you believe that you are paying less when the balance actually comes out of your own pocket
EDIT: based on a comment on this answer, I'm including a couple of articles for your reference on this point: 1. https://www.imf.org/external/pub… , and 2. IMF applauds India for cutting fuel subsidy; and just to add some more facts:- Fact 1: Decontrolling or deregulating the petrol prices mean that, the government will no longer be subsidizing petrol prices and the prices will be purely linked to the international crude prices. However, perfect deregulation won't/can't happen overnight and you have to bring some sort of sanity back into the system in small steps.
- Fact 2: India's total fuel subsidy has fallen to Rs 22,000 crore in April-December from Rs 76,000 crore in the year-ago period (India's crude oil import bill for current fiscal may fall 45% – The Economic Times ).
- Fact 3: And just to elaborate on what UPA did and did not do –Spending on subsidies surged, education and health lagged during 10 years of UPA – Times of India ; to quote- "Much higher on the list, at number three, is petroleum as higher fuel subsidies have pushed up the allocation more than 18 times to around Rs 65,200 crore in 2013-14, compared with Rs 3,567 crore in the revised estimates for 2004-05"
- PSUs in profit (BSNL reporting operating profit after almost a decade; others doing well too)
- ... deleted
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
#28pages may hurt hillary in NY; hope #ishratfile nails chidambaram
Pakistani Comedy Calls Hindus 'Dogs', Audience Applauds
No word on whether any Bollywood Khan is concerned about intolerance in Pakistan.
Monday, April 18, 2016
Fwd: Madhu Exposing Lies Against PM Modi by Rajdeep & Co for 12 Long Years on his Face!!
From: Capt.(Dr.) S G Naravane
Madhu Kishtwar is well known for articulating her views, clearly and concisely. She can hardly be dominated in a debate simply because she comes prepared with facts and has well informed opinions she doesn't hesitate to express. We may not agree with all of her ideas or thoughts, but this video should be viral on the Internet.
This 10 minute long video is more than enough to expose Rajdeep Sardesai and Co, who for a long span of 12 years, continued to spread lies about now Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Watch Madhu Kishtwar exposing Rajdeep Sardesai, on his face
Fwd: The anti-Hindu streak in British politics: The House of Lords on religious freedom in India
From: S G Naravane
![]() |
In the UK, there has been a stigmatising of Hindus. |
Speaker in the India: Religious Freedom debate, March 17, 2016 | Reference to Hindus | Comments on the context in which the word "Hindu" was used |
Lord Singh | 8 | 3 direct references to Hindu extremists, and 5 more unflattering references to Hindus, which if made in another context, say with reference to Muslims, Jews or Africans would be considered prejudiced, discriminatory and unacceptable. |
Lord Harries | 5 | 4 quotes of "Hindu extremists" and 1 of "Hindu-inflicted violence". |
Lord Hussain | 2 | "Right-wing Hindu fringe groups" and "Hindu extremism". |
Lord Ahmed | 4 | Phrases used: "Hindu nationalist", "Hindu propaganda", Hindu groups like VHP, RSS referred to as extremist forces. |
Debate | References to extremism | Comments |
India: Freedom of Religion, March 17, 2016. | 14 | 14 references to Hindu extremists/violence/fringe/propaganda/hardline. |
Islam: Extremism, February 3, 2016. | 7 | None of these were directly conjoined with any religion in particular and when any reference to religion was made it was in the form of "extremist interpretation of..." |
Islam, November 19, 2013. | 5 | No conflation of any religion with the word "extremism" but one reference to Hindu nationalists in a debate on Islam. |
Pakistan: Religious Violence, May 22, 2013 | 4 | 1 reference to Sunni extremists. The other three uses of "extremist" were without any religious link. |
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Fwd: Where are the women judges in India's courtrooms? by Sanjeev Nayyar in DailyO
From: Sanjeev Nayyar
Where are the women judges in India's courtrooms? by Sanjeev Nayyar 13.4.2016
Does a handful imply the opposite sex is incompetent?
The Supreme Court on April 11 frowned upon the practice of barring women between the ages of 10 and 50 years from the Sabrimala shrine in Kerala, asserting that religious practice and tradition could not be allowed to dent constitutional principles and values.
Questioning the validity of tradition which has been under attack from feminists and others, a bench of Justices Dipak Misra, V Gopala Gowda and Kurian Joseph said temple was a public religious place and it must observe the constitutional values of gender equality.
The judges said that the issue involved the question whether tradition could override the Constitution which prohibited gender discrimination. "Why this kind of classification for devotees to visit the temple? We are on constitutional principles. Gender discrimination in such matters is untenable. You cannot create corrosion or erosion in constitutional values," the bench said.
Such strong statements by the learned judges prompted the author to visit the websites of the Supreme and five key high courts to ascertain the extent of gender equality in the judiciary. Here is the status as on April 12, 2016.
![]() |
Of the select courts, the percentage of women judges in Delhi High Court is the highest. Could the collegium system of the Apex Court find one only competent woman to be a judge? Did you know that from "1950 to November 2015 only six women became Supreme Court judges out of a total 229 judges appointed?"
India has had a woman prime minister and president but never a woman chief justice.
A November 2015 India Today report shares some interesting facts, "There are just 62 (9.2 per cent) women judges compared to 611 male judges (in high courts) in the entire country. In 24 state high courts, nine HCs did not have a single woman judge. Three high courts had only one woman judge." Is this a case of gender discrimination or does it imply that only male judges possess the best legal brains and women are incompetent? http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/supreme-court-keen-to-get-women-judges-now/1/516459.html
Look at the number of women doctors in our country and compare them with the number of women judges. Some might argue that women have taken to education recently in larger numbers. This is not true. Women in this country began taking to modern education even before independence and the pace picked up thereafter in virtually all fields, for example, the author's mother and mother-in-law became doctors in the mid-1950s in Punjab and Madhya Pradesh respectively.
It can be argued that in the medical discipline, women doctors succeeded because they ran their own clinics or worked in hospitals where they did not need to navigate organisational politics. Fair point. All the more reason why India needs more women judges. Since they are grossly under-represented in terms of numbers, there is a clear case for affirmative action (not reservation). Certainly, there are enough women lawyers in all high courts who can be elevated to the bench.
According to a November 2015 Mail Today report, when a five-judge Constitution bench headed by Justice Khehar was in the process of inviting suggestions to improve the collegium system for the appointment of judges, a large number of female lawyers complained of "gender discrimination" in appointment of judges to higher judiciary.
When faced with such complaints, the respected Justice Khehar asked, "We would first like to know what the ratio of female advocates to male advocates is. That is very important. The ratio of female judges to male judges must be in the same ratio."
I am inclined to respectfully disagree with this line of questioning. When under-representation of women in the judiciary is universally accepted, is it correct to compare the ratio of female to male advocates? Was the percentage reservation for schedules castes and tribes based on their population numbers or supposed backwardness?
Further, women lawyers told the court that would not be a fair criteria. "Please do not compare the number of women lawyers at bar and juxtapose it with the ratio of female and male judges. Women were allowed to practise in court only in 1922. Women face a lot of problems in practising in court. Despite that, they are coming out in large numbers to practice," said senior lawyer Mahalakshmi Pavani representing the Supreme Court Women Lawyers Association (SCWLA).
At the same meeting SCWLA also represented, "It is submitted that keeping the Article 14 (right to equality) and Article 15(3) (the power of the State to make special provisions for women and children) of the Constitution Of "India is a signatory to Conventions on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), 1979, which envisaged removal of obstacles of women's public participation in all spheres of public and private lives." The source of Article 14 lies in the American and Irish constitutions. Before we get into the question of gender equality, we have to answer some fundamental issues on the Justice system and fundamental flaws relating to its practice in India. http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/supreme-court-keen-to-get-women-judges-now/1/516459.html
1. How adapted is a British system of justice to an Indian culture, ethos, identity and practice? Is the understanding of gender equality the same in Indian and Western societies? Let me elaborate. It is a long term fundamental flaw in our system, which has not been addressed or has perhaps not even entered the consciousness of our western educated judicial practitioners. While all humans are created equal, it does not mean they are the same. Same and equal are two completely different concepts.
Equality in the Hindu system does not mean we have one toilet for men and women, one set of dresses for men and women.
Why India? It is the same worldwide. In Hindu philosophy, we say the soul of men and women does not have gender in its spiritual state. But for practical purposes, two sexes are created based on physical differences by the Gods. These differences at times have to be respected and catered to just like there are separate toilets for men and women. By doing so it does not mean we are disrespecting and abusing the notion of equality.
2. Now coming to the issue before the Apex Court on whether the current practice at the Sabrimala shrine, of barring women between the ages of 10 and 50 years, should be changed. Hindu Goddesses have a wider following than Hindu male gods in many parts of the country. In the same vein there are certain religious places that are men exclusive and in equal breath there are certain temples that are women exclusive.
There exists a women-only temple in Kerala. While 95 per cent of the temples are common to both sexes please understand that Hinduism treats both equally, and that does not mean that each and every function on earth has to be the same. At times for reasons of tradition, certain things are male specific and equally certain things have to be reserved for women. This is a fundamental difference between Indian and western thought. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/A-women-only-temple-in-Kerala/articleshow/1709146.cms
If courts want to still force the issue of gender equality despite the arguments above they should do so. But keep in mind that the courts have to apply the law equally to all religions. That then would be real justice. The suggestion is either create a level playing field, or if the argument is that every community has its uniqueness, then let them cherish their uniqueness. You cannot have different rules for different people in the eyes of the law. We are repeating the mistakes made earlier by using British concepts of secularism and minorityism!
Are we willing to look within and change?
PS The author admires the judiciary for its role in exposing corruption and has full faith in its abilities to address issues in a fair and balanced way.
Also read:
1. Let us not make men out of women http://www.aparnasharma.in/pdf/Lets-not-make-men-out-of-women.pdf
2. Why secularism is not an Indian Concept http://www.rediff.com/news/report/slide-show-1-why-secularism-is-not-an-indian-concept/20130802.htm
3. Why India must have no place for religious minority http://www.dailyo.in/politics/constitution-of-india-minority-sikhs-punjabs-supreme-court-muslims-christians/story/1/8903.html
4. Worship of God as Mother in Indian Tradition http://www.esamskriti.com/essay-chapters/Worship-of-god-as-Mother-in-the-Indian-Tradition-1.aspx
5. What India can learn from Vidya Balan http://www.esamskriti.com/essay-chapters/What-India-can-learn-from-Vidya-Balan-1.aspx
6. Shakti, the Supreme Mother Goddess in Hinduism http://www.esamskriti.com/essay-chapters/Shakti,-the-Supreme-~-Mother-Goddess-in-Hinduism-1.aspx
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Fwd: Conspiracy of Silence - How a TV program of sex orgies of clergy and US politicians was banned
From: Sub
Fwd: d-China releases report on U.S. Human Rights+Modi’s foreign policy+The Nuclear Security Summit ignored Pakistan's threat+U.S. troops can use Indian bases+MORE
From: Sanjeev Nayyar
1. Pakistan's Strategic Dilemma 14.14.16 by col anil athale http://www.indiandefencereview.com/news/pakistans-strategic-dilemma/
'What India must do, but seldom does, is to constantly remind Pak of its strategic vulnerability. Its crucial targets and 'heart' that is Punjab province, is a barely 150 km deep strip of land along Indian border. Virtually every major 'strategic' target of Pakistan is within the range of Prithvi tactical missile of which India has aplenty. From Mendhar in J&K the Kahuta nuclear installations are within the extended range of Pinaka rockets of Indian artillery.
2. U.S. troops can use Indian bases – 10 things you need to know - http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Indian-bases-to-open-doors-to-US-warships-planes/listshow/51805127.cms?from=mdr
3. Indo-US strategic relationship: Why the balance is not in India's favour 14.4.16 http://www.firstpost.com/world/indo-us-strategic-relationship-why-the-balance-is-not-in-indias-favour-2727676.html
4. Modi's foreign policy by k c singh 14.4.16 http://www.tribuneindia.com/news/comment/modi-s-foreign-policy/221967.html
The broad lessons are that the PM must rebuild traditional political consensus over foreign policy, particularly because he is really building on old themes, although his style may be more assertive, personal or even, at times, theatrical. Henry Kissinger says: "High office teaches decision making, not substance." That is why the PM also needs a rethink on his immediate aides, Cabinet colleagues and advisers. '
5. Understanding the sub-continent Muslim mind through Dr Ambedkar 14.4.16 by sanjeev nayyar http://vijayvaani.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?aid=3921
India's inability to understand the sub-continent Muslim mind has resulted in our failure to deal with Pakistan and solve the Muslim problem in India. This article takes extracts from Ambedkar's masterpiece Thoughts on Pakistan and gives a brief comment on each extract.
6. Will-Kat's India visit is sweet but Britain is a royal third rate power 13.4.16 by jyoti malhotra http://www.dailyo.in/politics/britain-prince-william-kate-middleton-modi-queen-elizabeth-jallianwala-bagh-massacre-security-council-indo-british-trade/story/1/10039.html
7. China;s aggression over land and water must be resisted 14.4.16 by ashok s ganguly http://www.telegraphindia.com/1160414/jsp/opinion/story_79956.jsp
When it comes to flouting international riparian laws and coastal rights, China is the gorilla in the room. The two major rivers of Asia - the Mekong and the Brahmaputra - are primarily sourced from the Tibetan ice-melt and monsoon rains. The disputes between countries along the Mekong - Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam with China - are critical for livelihood matters in these nation.'
8. China releases report on U.S. Human Rights 14.4.16 http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/978520.shtml
'There were a total of 51,675 gun violence incidents in the United States in 2015 as of December 28, leaving 13,136 killed and 26,493 injured. USpolice shot dead 965 people last year as of December 24. No substantial progress concerning the economic and social rights of US citizens were made, the report says. In 2015, more than 560,000 people nationwide were homeless, and there were still 33 million people in the United States with no healthcare insurance. It also quotes figures to show that the United States continued to trample on human rights in other countries, causing tremendous civilian casualties. From August 2014 to December 2015, the United States launched 3,965 air strikes in Iraq and 2,823 in Syria, causing an estimated number of civilian deaths between 1,695 and 2,239.'
9. The Nuclear Security Summit ignored Pakistan's threat 14.4.16 by col anil athale. http://www.rediff.com/news/column/the-nuclear-security-summit-ignored-pakistans-threat/20160414.htm
The one important takeaway for India, that is concerned at the Pakistani plans to deploy tactical nuclear weapons, is that we have to take care of this problem ourselves and should not expect any global help.'
10. Handwara: Quell passions, institute inquiry, let things cool down 14.4.16 by lt gen syed ata hasnain http://www.rediff.com/news/column/handwara-quell-passions-institute-inquiry-let-things-cool-down/20160414.htm
Warm Regards
sanjeev nayyar
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Fwd: E-Understanding the Muslim mind through Dr Ambedkar-Sanjeev Nayyar-14 April 2016
From: Sanjeev Nayyar
To: home <esamskriti@suryaconsulting.net>
India's inability to understand the sub-continent Muslim mind has resulted in our failure to deal with Pakistan and solve the Muslim problem in India. This article takes extracts from Ambedkar's masterpiece Thoughts on Pakistan and gives a brief comment on each extract.
Understanding the Muslim mind through Dr Ambedkar
Sanjeev Nayyar
14 April 2016
The Pakistan envoy to India, Abdul Basit, stunned India by unilaterally announcing the suspension of the peace process and saying the dispute over Jammu and Kashmir is the root cause of mutual distrust between the two nations.
Have we not heard this before? The only constant is India's inability to understand the Pakistani mind!
This article analyses extracts from Dr BR Ambedkar's 1941 masterpiece 'Thoughts on Pakistan' on the occasion of his 125th birth anniversary. The author's purpose is to share insights and not to provoke anybody.
1. Loss of political power
"The condition of Muslims was best stated by a liberal, R M Sayani in his Presidential address at the 12th session of the Congress held in 1896. … Before the advent of the British in India, the Muslims were the rulers of the country. The court language was their own (Persian was the official language till 1842). Every place of trust and responsibility, or carrying influence and high emoluments, was theirs by birthright. The Hindus did occupy the same position but were tenants-at-will of the Muslims.
"Meanwhile, British introduced English education into the country. The Hindus were used to this, as under Muslim rule, they had practically to master a foreign tongue, and so easily took to new education. But the Muslim had not yet become accustomed to this sort of thing. Muslims resented competing with the Hindus, whom they had till recently regarded as their inferiors." [History and Culture of the Indian People, Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Vol. X, p. 295]
- Whether it be 1896 or today, Muslims tend of hold the government responsible for everything, rather than pull up their socks and face the contemporary world. It is easy to criticize others but difficult to change oneself. The intrinsic nature of Sanatana Dharma helps Hindus to keep changing with time.
2. Cohabiting in independent India
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, the founder of Aligarh Muslim University, said on 16 March 1888, "Now suppose all the Brits were to leave India, then who would be the rulers of India? Is it possible that Hindus & Muslims could sit on the same throne and remain equal in power? Most certainly not."
- Sir Syed and the Muslim leaders who fought for Pakistan clearly realized that one man one vote is at the heart of democracy. As Hindus outnumbered Muslims, the latter could not expect a disproportionate share of power. After partition and independence, they increased their population (from 3.77 crore in 1951 to 17.22 crore in 2011).
3. Communal composition of Indian Army
"The Indian Army today is pre-dominantly Muslim in its composition. The Muslims who predominate are from Punjab and North West Frontier Province (see table below). It means that such Muslims are made the sole defenders of India from foreign invasion. The Hindus will have to pay for the Army but will not be able to use them because the realist must note that of all the Muslims, those of the North-West is the most disaffected Muslim, in his relation with the Hindus". [Thoughts on Pakistan, p. 89]
Changes in the Communal Composition of the Indian Army @
No | Area & Communities | % in 1914 | % in 1930 |
1. | Punjab, NW.F.P & Kashmir | 47 | 58.5 |
2. | Nepal, Kumaon, Garwhal | 15 | 22 |
3. | Upper India | 22 | 11 |
4. | South India (includes Marathas) | 16 | 5.5 |
5. | Burma | 0 | 3 |
| Total | 100 | 100 |
@ pg 75 2 . Post 1930 no data was available.
"Out of the total revenue of Rs 59.04 crs the Pakistan area contributed Rs 7.13 crs. Of this Rs 52 crs is spent on the army, the bulk of which is on the Muslim army drawn from the Pakistan area." [ibid].
- That India is secure today because of its Army is incontestible. That is very likely the reason why the Army is sought to be weakened by tying it down in counter-insurgency operations and maligning it.
- One wonders if the large percentage of Punjabis in the Pakistan Army is the reason for the latter dominating Pakistan's political landscape since independence, at the cost of the civil liberties of the population.
... deleted