- Drugged Chickens: Use of antibiotics in animals in India is projected to more than double by 2030, driven by a surge in chicken production. “Are animals a good way to get protein?”
- Govt defines e-commerce marketplace rules : Allows 100% FDI
- 100% EVs by 2030: Piyush Goyal's pipedream.. "We are working (on the scheme). Can we actually give electric car for free (zero down payment) and people can pay for that out of the savings on the petroleum products".
- Nissan CEO knows better: Very cheap, low-range electric cars key for China, India.
- Benefits Of Ghee: - Rujuta Diwekar
- What alcohol does to your body and brain: In general, the liver can only process 1 oz of liquor per hour
- Better than N Ram and Malini: China editor resigns over media censorship
- FTC sues Volkswagen over diesel car advertisements: In January, the Justice Department sued VW for up to $46bn for violating environmental laws.
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Quick notes: Drugged chickens, E-retail marketplace...
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
A Man Who Can Say No to NATO
As you can imagine, this has the Atlanticists extremely alarmed:
But Trump's ability to challenge sacred taboos shows his strong reasoning from first principles, free from the encumbrances of traditional preconceptions and clichés.
And so part of Trump's America-First strategy is The America That Can Say No.
While Atlanticists and other trans-nationalist carpetbaggers may feel fundamentally threatened by this, perhaps it's an idea that's long overdue:
Quick notes: Soft Modi, iPhone unlocked...
- Military overruled on Pak access: On Pathankot, the Indian Air Force had told the government that granting access to the Pakistanis could compromise its security. Defence minister Manohar Parrikar too was of the same view.
- Playing into Pakis' hands? It is not known if there is any assurance from the Pakistani side, whether at the PM level or the NSA level, that Pakistan will take swift, credible and positive action after the JIT's investigations. Even if such assurances exist, these will mean precious little as ultimately it is the other Sharif -- General Raheel Sharif, the Pakistan army chief who will take a final call.
- FBI breaks into iPhone: The FBI has managed to unlock the iPhone of the San Bernardino gunman without Apple's help.
- Count Prana, not calories:
- Britain's taint:
- Just because technology makes it possible..:
Photos of a man who starved 4m Indians to death. Terrible. https://t.co/rrfFJMGt74— Tony Nash (@TonyNashOnAsia) March 27, 2016
"Just because technology makes it possible to be always available, doesn’t mean you should be." ~ @JesseLynStoner pic.twitter.com/aH1DH3LoHS— Jesse Lyn Stoner (@JesseLynStoner) March 20, 2016
Monday, March 28, 2016
72 Killed in Lahore Easter Blast Targeting Christians
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Quick notes: Yoga garden, Print media...
- Yoga Garden: Yoga sessions to be part of Obama's final White House Easter celebrations.
- Adarsh Liberal's next hero: Headley says he felt 'hatred' for India
- India's print media: Vernacular newspapers and magazines will “overshadow the English print media, which is likely to continue facing headwinds from the growing acceptance of digital media content”.
- Failed State? Belgium is an artificial state with the wrong kind of immigrants.
- Incentives for corporations: Companies making larger profits are now paying a lower rate of effective tax because of concessions
- Pre-diabetes: Eating foods such as nuts and vegetable oil can slow the progress of type 2 diabetes, according to a new study.
- Bill Maher: Too much self-esteem.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
that loud sucking sound: was that clinton's prez dreams being flushed down the toilet after #brussels?
my rediff piece, is this the end of civilization?

Quick notes: Andy Grove, Simpsons' prediction...
- When Steve Jobs and Larry Ellison told Andy Grove he was the only person in Silicon Valley who they would willingly work for, he told them he wouldn’t have hired either because they were “a couple of flakes.”... “If you went into a meeting, you’d better have your data; you’d better have your opinion; and if you can’t defend your opinion, you have no right to be there.”
- Will the IAF not get its Rafales? Claude Arpi examines the issue
- Mexico City imposes driving ban as pollution soars: In recent years, we've seen similar measures in cities like Beijing, Bogota, New Delhi, Milan, Rome and Paris.
- Curbing pollution: Milan considers paying people to bike to work.
- Trump: ‘The Simpsons’ predicted a Donald Trump presidency 16 years ago
- No Texts, Please, We’re Meditating: “Meditation is part of a wellness trend. It was once part of a culture associated with monks and hippies, and now we see professional athletes and high-level achievers using meditation to enhance performance.”
- India’s Agasthyamala among 20 UNESCO world biosphere reserves: The ABR is situated at the southern-most end of the Western Ghats and spread over Kerala and Tamil Nadu and covers an area of 3,500 sq km at an altitude ranging from 100 metres to 1,868 metres above the Mean Sea Level.
- Rate of carbon emissions put in context: At present, human emissions of CO2 are approaching 40 billion tonnes a year.
- The West’s big lie about Mother Teresa: Her “glorification of suffering instead of relieving it” has had little impact on her glowing reputation
34 Killed in Brussels Terror Attack; Trump Vindicated
US Presidential candidate Donald Trump gave his response:
In an interview in January, a couple of months ago, Trump had pointed to Brussels as an Islamist "hellhole":
11 days ago - a week-and-a-half before today's attacks - a Belgian political leader issued this video:
The attack comes on today's latest round of SuperTuesday voting for the US presidential primaries.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Some thoughts on Modi and his team
Still, his team, which includes several economists with investment and multilateral banking backgrounds, seems to be attempting to push certain items which will favour international financial institutions at the cost of the Indian public. Subramaniam Swamy has alluded to this as well.
The taxing of Employer's Provident fund, as introduced in the Union Budget, 2016-17, was rolled back after Modi's intervention. Now again, the government has slashed interest rates of PPF, Kisan Vikas Patra, and NSC. Government has also introduced a 1% Excise Duty on gold jewellery which is also being rolled back amidst strike from jewelers.
When Modi has given clear directions to his team, why do they keep surreptitiously trying this repeated Chidambaram-esque tinkering? Modi does intervene once in a while, but he surely does not have the financial sophistication to keep track of every such move.
Indians like saving and gold. We do not need international financial institutions to come in here and force us into their crappy pension funds.
Major overhaul is needed within the Finance Ministry as they seem not to be in sync with the people's mandate.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
love this contest: #hotelJNU as parody of eagles' 'Hotel california'
my swarajya piece on the new opensource electronics opportunity
the alternative universe that indian msm inhabits: my swarajya piece
my piece wondering why the heck indians/indian-americans like hillary
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Quick notes: Approval ratings, Christie's loot...
- Comparable to Ronald Reagan: Obama's approval rating just hit its highest point in years, and that could be a huge problem for the GOP
- Christie's loot: 1,000-Year-Old Indian Statues Seized From NYC Auction House
- Storage follows Solar: India Looks to Battery Storage to Supplement Its Solar Boom
- 180 miles per charge: First all-electric London double-decker bus in service; made in China by BYD
- The Man Who Knew Infinity: Film: 'Celebration of Ramanujan', April 21 at 7:30pm in Cubberley Auditorium, Stanford University.
- Vertigo treatment:
- Godman's Own Country:
Environment protection in compliance with #AdarshLiberal Idea of India #NGT #WesternGhats #KeralaModel pic.twitter.com/t4IVDNiL7B— Anjali George (@Kuvalayamala) March 11, 2016
Friday, March 18, 2016
Fwd: Vande Mataram library to challenge Sheldon Pollock’s Murty Classical Library of India -- Dr. Sampadananda Mishra
From: kalyan
Date: Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 6:11 PM
Subject: Vande Mataram library to challenge Sheldon Pollock's Murty Classical Library of India -- Dr. Sampadananda Mishra
Vande Mataram library to challenge Sheldon Pollock's Murty Classical Library of India -- Dr. Sampadananda Mishra
Share this petition 17,205 supporters
Monday, March 14, 2016
Fwd: The Indian Ocean Challenge +Defence Budget not compatible with threat perception+Modi can't allow Pakistan SIT inside Pathankot base+ CPEC China Pak differ over Tax Exemptions
From: Sanjeev Nayyar
The Blue water Indian Navy needs to fast-track submarine acquisitions, including Arihant class nuclear subs and funds for already under construction Vikrant aircraft carrier. The 12 Japanese Shin Maywa Industries' US-2i amphibious aircraft need around $1.65 billion. By 2019, the Navy dreams of having 150 ships and close to 500 aircraft and helicopters."
7. A remarkabe past – Without altertness, Pakistan will lose evidence of its history by westminster gleanings 10.3.16 http://www.telegraphindia.com/1160310/jsp/opinion/story_73621.jsp 8. CPEC China Pak differ over Tax Exemptions 10.3.16 http://tribune.com.pk/story/1062662/loans-for-cpec-projects-pakistan-china-divided-over-tax-exemptions/ 9. Spare the Service Chiefs 9.3.16 by major gen mrinal suman http://mrinalsuman.blogspot.in/2016/03/spare-service-chiefs.html |
sanjeev nayyar
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Fwd: Excercise Force18+ Modi continues to play into Pakistan's hands +Turmoil in the Middle East and its implications+South China Sea: Is China baring its fangs +Indo-Nepal Thaw: Does Compellence Work
From: Sanjeev Nayyar
sanjeev nayyar
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Fwd: Contribute to Indian Army Central Welfare Fund + Paraplegic Rehabilitation Centre, Pune
From: Sanjeev Nayyar \
The Indian soldier, the guardian of our frontiers and the custodian of peace, is a role model for the people of India. He is the epitome of courage and unflinching devotion to duty. More than any other group or community in the country, the Indian soldier embodies and represents the idea of India.
From the snow-clad and wind-swept mountains of the Himalayas in the north, to the steaming hot and humid jungles of the seven sisters in the north-east and the shimmering sands of the burning Thar Desert in the west, he never lowers his guard. Along the LoC, he braves daily spells of intermittent small arms and mortar fire from the enemy. Sometimes he lives through many days of heavy artillery shelling when the very earth around him shakes ominously.
Despite the omnipresent danger, hardships and privations of life on the nation's troubled frontiers, he stands tall and firm. Stoic and resolute, his courage never wavers, his spirit never flags. When the situation so demands, he makes the supreme sacrifice without flinching. For our tomorrow, he smilingly gives his today.
The Indian soldier is worthy of our support. Let us contribute generously to his welfare and to the welfare of our Veterans. It would be a noble gesture on our part to contribute to welfare funds designed to help disabled soldiers, some of whom are boarded out, and to the families of our martyred soldiers.
You can help in two ways. 1. Army Central Welfare Fund (only individuals can donate 100% tax exemption). 2. Paraplegic Rehabilitation Centre, Pune. (individuals+corporates can donate, tax exemption under 80G is 50%).
Link has all details of how and to which account to remit money, either electronically or by post. http://www.esamskriti.com/essay-chapters/Contribute-to-Indian-Army-Welfare-Fund-1.aspx
In case you have any problems in connecting or getting contribution receipts please mail and I will try to facilitate the process.
Bharat Mata Ki Jai + Jai Hind
Warm Regards
sanjeev nayyar
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Sunday, March 13, 2016
Fwd: India Was Right To Deny Visas To US Commission Wanting To Review 'Deteriorating' Religious Freedom
From: S G Naravane
India Was Right To Deny Visas To US Commission Wanti... Why do we need a certificate from the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) about the status of religious freedom in our country? USC... | |||||||
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"USCIRF's principal responsibilities include reviewing, through the lens of international human rights law, the facts and circumstances of violations of religious freedom internationally and making policy recommendations to the President, Secretary of State, and Congress. USCIRF is an independent, bipartisan U.S. federal government commission with commissioners appointed by the President and the leaders in both Houses of Congress."
Fwd: Our Univesities Are Being Captured By Rebels Without A Cause: Makarand Paranjape
From: S G Naravane
Our univesities are being captured by rebels without a c... Our univesities are being captured by rebels without a cause: Makarand Paranjape | |||||||
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Thursday, March 10, 2016
Fwd: Note To A Comrade: Your Kind Of Revolutions Don’t Happen In India
From: Capt.(Dr.) S G Naravane
If you're reading this piece, you know what was in the news all of last week. Kanhaiya Kumar was released on bail for six months and in the week Finance Minister Arun Jaitley delivered what might be the most important budget of the Modi government, it was Kanhaiya who was the subject of headlines.
His speech—embarrassingly loaded with stale Leftist clichés and ideas but delivered in a likeable eastern-UP-Bihar accent—was played up by some news channels as the perfect and popular ideological argument against the Modi government. The enthusiasm of Kanhaiya's supporters and fans was even louder on social media. If you saw Kanhaiya supporters on TV, you would have thought they would smile to sleep. But if you saw their tweets, you'd think they'd dance the night out.
Amidst this Kanhaiya-as-messiah campaign and social media push, there came a point where one couldn't help but wonder if there was a fantastical motive to all of it.
This will be denied, but I'm certain that on the night Kanhaiya made his speech, some of his cheerleaders were hoping for a Tahrir Square-like moment in India. Just to recall, Tahrir Square is shorthand for a popular movement in Egypt in 2011 where massive protests were staged at Cairo's Tahrir Square, ultimately leading to the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak. Something similar in Delhi would not only fulfill their (Kanhaiya's gang's) romantic fantasy of a revolution but would also topple a 'hopelessly intolerant' government. There is terrible beauty in the imagined utopia of a revolution, and never was it closer to their reality than on Thursday night.
But, almost simultaneously, there was a pleasure in the realisation that such a revolution is not possible in India. The immediate thought that followed was "why?".
While a comprehensive, complete answer to that question is best left to someone more experienced and accomplished, here are some of the points which come to my mind:
First, India is a functioning democracy. There are problems, sure, but by and large it has done well on the democratic front. This allows the citizens a regular opportunity for collective catharsis. Long before social or political tensions reach unmanageable levels, they are purged or at least diluted via elections. Of course, these elections might be bitterly contested, but it's a democratic contest within the guidelines of the Constitution. Thus, the required threshold level of tensions is never reached.
Second, and this observation is restricted to India—here, any significant political change is realised through a process of evolution rather than revolution. Political changes happen as a consequence of a long drawn-out struggle, rather than by spontaneous bursts of popular emotions.
Third, one suspects stable democracies are institutionally wary of so-called revolutions. They operate on a bipartisan consensus on the core nature and workings of the State. Revolutions, or movements which claim to be so, mostly fall outside this capacious consensus.
Fourth, such democracies are also wary of revolutions for the sake of revolutions. Democracy is a contest between alternatives. Any movement which does not offer a substitute will immediately be seen as destructive. The imagined utopia of revolution doesn't include alternatives. The removal of the targeted leader or power is seen as the end in itself. Just recall the tone and words of the usual suspects from last week. Were they interested in anything but the immediate fall of the Modi government?
The fact is that today Narendra Modi leads a BJP government in India and the only way to change that is to defeat the party in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. Till then, breathe comrade. Your kind of 'revolutions' don't happen in India.
Fwd: Liberal Hatred For Tulsi Gabbard
From: S G Naravane <sgnaravane@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 8, 201
Liberal Hatred For Tulsi Gabbard | IndiaFacts Journalists like Jilani did not create this situation where attributing violence committed in the name of a religion will be referred to as Islamophobia. | |||||||
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- Narendra Modi issued orders of curfew and shoot-at-sight at the town of Godhra in less than 2 hours after Muslim mob murdered 59 Hindus without provocation.
- After his visit to the station that evening more than 800 people, mostly Hindus were taken in preventive custody to stop them from retaliating this gruesome mass killing of Hindus.
- 70,000 strong police force was deployed, Rapid Action Force was used on the day after riots and the first Army unit was called for and landed in Ahemdabad in less than 48 hours from the Hindus were massacred at Godhra.
- Almost all people killed in police firing in first week were Hindus.