Saturday, June 01, 2024

Caste Game on the Rise in the West

In Canada's main province of Ontario, the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) has declared that Indians are infected  with an evil culture of discrimination they have inherited and always carry with them wherever they go, and thus must be condemned.

When student protests on campus against the Israeli govt make Jewish students feel unsafe, then politicians unanimously condemn it, and even university presidents are forced to resign. But when university faculties are themselves singling out Indians for attack - not even a govt, but an ethnic group - then apparently it's all fine and normal. It seems like there are double standards, which apply different standards of justice for different ethnic groups. The more that Indians stay silent on this, the more this will happen, and the worse it will get.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Col. Douglas Macgregor On INSTC Corridor (India-Iran-Russia-Europe)

What If Labour Returns to Power in UK? Blessing or Curse?

Rishi Sunak has called for elections in UK. If the Conservatives lose and Labour comes back to power, then I worry they'll become another Trudeau-style headache for India, and start supporting Khalistan. (We could always reciprocally needle them by talking about Scotland and Northern Ireland, where separatists are much more active than in Canada's dormant Quebec.)

The best thing we can hope for from Labour is that they might try to lead UK back toward re-joining the European Union. This could strengthen the EU and help turn them around from their collapsing state. A stronger EU could also better stand up to the US and its aggressive hegemonism. this restoration of balance would help multi-polarity and Indian interests.

Quick notes: Bubble territory | Domestic chips...

  • Indian stocks: Squirreling away a portion of one’s income for a rainy day would typically be considered prudent behavior. Yet, in India, it’s helping make stocks overvalued.

    Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) were introduced to help investors periodically put aside money in a disciplined manner. SIPs deduct cash every month from an investor’s bank account and invest the proceeds into selected mutual funds. As more money is directed toward these funds monthly, the portfolio managers are forced to buy stocks even when their valuations might not be as attractive.

    For instance, of the nearly 4,900 actively traded India-listed stocks, 300 stocks had a fall in revenue in the last two consecutive financial years. Yet, 216 of these stocks rose over the past 12 months. In fact, small-cap companies such as food packaging carton manufacturer Rollatainers and Tantia Constructions, an infrastructure company, have had three years of falling growth. Yet, their stock has risen more than 300% over the past 12 months.

    India records worst FII selloff among emerging markets in May

  • Chip news:
    14-nanometer: Tata Electronics prepares ground for high-end chips

    Zoho into chips? India's Zoho plans $700 million foray into chipmaking

    Rising star: Alibaba's Yitian 710 is the fastest Arm-based CPU for cloud servers, study claims

    Moore Threads: Chinese AI GPUs used for three billion parameter LLM training

    Tech independence: Chinese govt pushes Huawei's HarmonyOS hard, sets adoption targets to beat Windows, Android, and iOS

    Defying sanctions: Blacklisted China chipmaker SMIC becomes the world's second-largest pure-play foundry by revenue.

    Decoupling: Huawei brings sanctions-busting Kirin 9000C CPU to desktop PCs to replace banned Intel Alder Lake chips

  • Stranglehold on clean energy: China already makes as many batteries as the entire world wants

  • No juice for EVs: Amid growing demand, America is running out of power.

  • Energy transition: Coal share in India’s electricity mix drops below 50% for the first time since 1966

  • Cow dung's key role in India's energy industry: Asia's biggest compressed biogas plant is in Lehragaga, Punjab. It can turn 300 tonnes of paddy straw into 33 tonnes of biogas every day.

  • Begum Parveen Sultana: Raag Puriya Dhanashree

  • Vegetarians, watch this: The Science of Vitamin B12

  • Feeling hot, hot, hot? How India's cities can keep the mercury at bay

  • Protein Supplements: Top medical body's advisory urges people to avoid protein supplements

  • AI tramples on copyrights: Eight newspaper publishers sue Microsoft and OpenAI over copyright infringement. “The current GPT-4 LLM will output near-verbatim copies of significant portions of the publishers’ works when prompted to do so,”

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Prof. John Mearsheimer On the Israel Lobby

Here's an interesting comment @ 14:19 from Prof John Mearsheimer on the Israel lobby, and how it wants to stir up conflicts around the world to get the United States involved in them:

This is something I too have long noticed -- and of course it directly conflicts with India's own national interests. India certainly doesn't benefit from a revival of Cold War hostilities between US and Russia, because then India will then be immediately targeted by the West for its ties with Russia, which it cannot afford to just discard on someone else's whim.

Unlike Israel, which has always benefitted from unipolar US global hegemony, India would like to see this unipolarity abate, and see the rise of multipolarity that will give India more latitude and options for its own security. So there is a natural conflict of interest there.

I often see Hindus blindly fanboying over Israel, but blind fanboys can easily be suckered by those who are exclusively looking out for their own interests at the expense of everyone else.

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Here It Comes - India: The New Brown Peril

Washington waited until the elections were fully underway to spring their ambush. They're pointing their fingers directly at NSA Ajit Doval and also RAW Chief Samant Goel.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Divergences Between Israeli Nationalism and Indian Nationalism

I was just musing about past and future confrontations across history. After Bill Clinton's Israeli-Palestinian "peace process" collapsed during the late 90s, a huge wave of violence erupted in its wake with the Palestinian uprising ("intifada"), led by the PLO under Yasser Arafat. The teetering Israeli govt of Ehud Barak fell, and the more hardline Netanyahu came to power. It was also then that some of Israel's supporters among its diaspora in America decided they needed to spawn a new NeoConservative ideology as means to fight what they saw as the common enemies of Israel and America (ie. they needed a new justification for America to bail out Israel and stomp on its enemies). That's where NeoCons like Victoria Nuland came from, and why the US illegally invaded Iraq to destroy Saddam Hussein. It's also why Nuland is willing to spare no effort in harassing even faraway countries like India, in her determined pursuit of her aims.

Meanwhile, Netanyahu was looking to crush the Palestinian uprising at all costs. He decided that the best way to do this would be for him to support Hamas, the more radical rival of the PLO. ("The Enemy of My  Enemy is My Friend") By supporting the rise of Hamas in Gaza, he was able to use them to evict PLO from there, in a classic divide-and-rule strategy. So while PLO continued to rule in the West Bank, they were much weaker due to the loss of Gaza to Hamas.

Just like American support for AfPak jihadis boomeranged by causing 9/11, likewise Netanyahu's support for the Hamas jihadis boomeranged by causing Oct 7. He knows this, and is trying escape accountability for his own shortsightedness, by heaping destruction on the entire population of Gaza. He's basically carrying out a Final Solution, while US watches awkwardly and obediently ships them more bombs.

Netanyahu has no intention of allowing any future possibility of a Palestinian state, and this also means wiping out the existing Palestinian presence "from the river to the sea."

The Hebrews are so named for being "the people beyond the river" - the particular river being the Jordan river.

The Hindus are likewise another "people beyond the river" - the particular river being the Indus.

But America showers Israel's side of the river with petals - and that's why the Israelis love to promote American world dominance., since they get to ride on America's shoulders.

Meanwhile, America pisses all over us on our side of the river - and that's why we don't want a US-dominated world like India does, because that just means Washington will keep pissing all over us. We'd like a more multi-polar world where we won't be as pissed upon.

So there's a key difference in what Israeli nationalists want and what Indian nationalists want. Israelis, unlike Indians, need America as their Far Emperor.

But it's also worth remembering that America's founding fathers, who had fought to overthrow the British Empire, did not want their own country to become an empire. Had they felt otherwise, they would not have architected the US Constitution in the way that they did. That's why they wrote in separation of powers, and fundamental protections for political freedoms, including freedom of speech. The Israelis need for those protections to be more permanently removed, so that they can further collar America as their Far Emperor. A more aggressively imperialist interventionist America may be in their interest, but it's not in our interest.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Leaked Memo Says NYT CENSORS Words: 'Genocide,' 'Palestine,' 'Ethnic Cleansing'

NYT showing its communal bias, playing soft on some but not others:

Of course they're happy to use the most disparaging words when covering India, because of their agenda.

Monday, April 15, 2024

now that the manifestos are out, trivandrum offers a stark contrast in visions

this goes far beyond the individual candidates shashi tharoor and rajeev chandrasekhar.

it is a clash of metaphors. and it is a piquant choice: reward the fecklessness of the past, or look forward to development?