Tuesday, July 31, 2018
China's Leaders in Awe of Trump's "Creative Destruction" Agenda
Monday, July 30, 2018
Shakti: First RISC-V Processor Made in India
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Fwd: Indian Foundations of Modern Science by Subhash Kak on eSamskriti.com
From: Sanjeev Nayyar
'Scholars see India and Greece as the two principal birthplaces of science. School textbooks tell us about Pythagoras, Aristotle, Euclid, Archimedes, and Ptolemy, geometry of the Vedic altars, the invention of zero in India, Yoga psychology, and Indian technology of steel-making that went into the manufacture of the best swords. But if you take the trouble of reading scholarly books, articles and encyclopedias, you will find that in many ways the early Indian contributions are the more impressive for they include a deep theory of mind, Pāṇini's astonishing Sanskrit grammar, binary numbers of Piṅgala, music theory, combinatorics, algebra, earliest astronomy, and the physics of Kaṇāda with its laws of motion.'
To read full article click on above link.
sanjeev nayyar
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Quick notes: Confessions, Data storage rules...
- Padre abuse: Confessions in churches being misused, govt should end it, says national women’s panel
- US companies lobbying against data storage rules: The RBI in April said payments data should be stored "only in India" within six months for "safety and security"
- Trump's trade-war is helping China: To shield US farmers from his trade war, Trump is giving taxpayers’ money to China
- Modicare: Nehruvian socialism back with vengeance. Market distorting rather than fixing underlying prob. As 'Modicare' deadline nears, major states hold out.
- India's higher education struggling: Faculty vacancy in IITs is 34%, while that in engineering colleges—which are seeing a decline in preference — is 5%.
- Tech addiction: Silicon Valley engineered tech addiction, and it’s Indians who are paying the price
- Rescued Thai boys ordained as novice Buddhist monks: Their time in the temples will include meditating, praying, and performing charitable deeds.
- Vittu rayacha nagari pandhari:
Command & control Nehruvian socialism back with vengeance. Market distorting rather than fixing underlying prob: subsidize for those in need https://t.co/CmEUXwGff4— Rupa Subramanya (@rupasubramanya) April 21, 2017
Friday, July 27, 2018
EU Casts Doubt on Pak Election Results
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Fwd: Army would be without arms if it does not revert to 5 year colour service+Africa Different messages different methods+Russia phobia is real in America
From: Sanjeev Nayyar
sanjeev nayyar
Imran Khan "Wins" Pak Elections, Opponents Cry Foul
Like many of his past "victories", Imran Khan has gotten this one through match-fixing. Pakistan's army has perpetrated a huge falsification of election results, which will likely be upheld by their puppet court justices.
Note that observers from both major parties were excluded from ballot-counting at most polling stations. Not one polling station has actually even reported in its results, and yet Imran Khan's PTI has been declared to be the "winner" of the contest. This appears to have been a very crudely executed sham, not deftly orchestrated at all.
Pakistan's Deep State isn't nearly as clever as America's.
Saturday, July 21, 2018
rajeev's piece on the Ancient Tin Route. take that, Silk Route!
rajeev's article on racism among foreign journos and its roots in the Fishing Fleet
are mobile phones really safe or is #bigmobile gaming us?
Quick notes: Ta-ta Nano, Trade war...
- Tata Kills the Nano: Everybody likes saving money but few want to wear that fact on their sleeves.
- Chinese weapon in trade war: "The harder Trump pushes on tariffs, the lower China takes the yuan to rebalance the cost relationship. They can offset some of the cost of tariffs because of the lower currency."
- WeWork bans meat at company events: Won't let employees expense meals that include meat because it's bad for the environment
- When in Tamil Nadu: Live like a Tamilian
- Freestyle Football Skills: Malaysia's Qhouirunnisa' Endang Wahyudi
- India’s street magic once captivated the world: Including Houdini himself. The implementation of laws against beggary have also made it difficult for magicians to perform on the streets as before, and harassment from the authorities is a persistent problem. Last year, the Kathputli Colony in Delhi, home to puppeteers, acrobats, musicians, and dancers, was razed to the ground for a redevelopment project, leaving many of its residents with nowhere to go.
- India's mobile manufacturing:
This Singh Is From Tamilnadu, Married A Sikh Girl,They Being Living In Chennai Adopted The Local Culture And Live Their Life As South Indians.— ☬ SINGH ਸਿੰਘ ☬ 🇮🇳 (@HatindersinghR) July 6, 2018
Many Are Making His Fun On Fb
We Should Be Proud That He Despite Being Out Of Punjab Maintained His Religion & Culture too
Your Views? pic.twitter.com/XyiVHq4l70
Since 2014, Electronics Manufacturing in India has seen immense growth and it has created jobs for more than 4 Lakh people. 120 mobile phone manufacturing units have become operational in 2018 as compared to only 2 units in 2014. #DigitalIndia pic.twitter.com/giism17gyi— Ravi Shankar Prasad (@rsprasad) July 12, 2018
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
bad blood
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
how china tech theft is viewed by american government types
omerta against china by US companies; but not against india
Friday, July 13, 2018
Fwd: Vedic Traditions for Education and Learning -- Proceedings of WAVES2018. A tour de force in Vedic studies
From: kalyan

Both Dhirendra Shah and Srinivasan Kalyanaraman focus attention on a remarkable insight provided by the Cambridge Economic Historian, Angus Maddison who posited in his report to the OECD prior to the formation of the European Union, an economic history bar chart demonstrating how Ancient India contributed to 33% of World Gross Domestic Product with China accounting for about 24 percent. This statistic leads them into divergent enquiries. Dhirendra Shah provides a pen-picture of the contours of Indic Civilization: "An attempt is being made here to inquire and analyze the reasons for the Indic civilization's downfall from the most prosperous and enlighten country in the world till 1000 AD to a poor third world country at the time of independence from the British rule in 1947. The paper is divided into four parts: (1) Importance of teaching and study history in general and particularly the Indian history; (2) Sapta Sindhu/Saraswati/Vedic civilization beginning from approx. 10,000 BC to 1000 AD; (3) Medieval Islamic Aggressions and rule in India; (4) British Empire.
Srinivasan Kalyanaraman goes back in time to present a revolutionary re-think on the roots of civilization which led Ancient India to be in the epicentre of a Metals Age Industrial Revolution, dominating an Ancient Maritime Tin Route from Hanoi (Vietnam) to Haifa (Israel) along the Indian Ocean Rim and the navigable riverine Himalayan waterways. This Tin Route which predated the Silk Road by about two millennia rendered possible a truly Eurasian renaissance powered by industrial-scale organisations with a remarkable corporate and social-responsibility form called śreṇi or seafaring merchant guilds and artisan guilds. The evidence he marshals includes translations of over 8000 Indus Script inscriptions (a decipherment of Indus hieroglyphs and language achieved without the aid of a Rosetta Stone) which are wealth accounting ledgers and metalworking catalogues document archives of wealth of nations of Greater Indian civilization, a story narrated by the famous American historian, Will Durant with extraordinary compassion and sharp historical perspective. Nagendra Rao presents a succinct introduction to Sanatana Dharma with an example of an interaction among diverse thought-processes of mankind. These are but glimpses of scintillating thought-provoking enquiries. In summary, the 61 stellar, scholarly contributions constitute a documentation, rendered with academic rigour and integrity, which should be studied and researched further. The book should adorn the shelves of every academic institution of the globe and be read by every citizen of the world.
Russia Cancels Fifth-Generation Fighter (Su-57)
Woman Defaces Xi's Image in Live Stream, Now Disappeared
Her social media accounts have been revoked, and her phone no longer responds.
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Quick notes: x86 chips, FGFA re-look...
- China producing x86 server processors: A Chinese company is now producing x86-based server processors that are largely indistinguishable from AMD's EPYC processors—so close in design that Linux kernel developers had to do little in the way of patching to support the new processor family, called "Dhyana."
- Re-look at FGFA co-development: India reconsidering Rs 2 lakh crore 5th generation fighter jet programme with Russia
- IAF to take control of Tejas project? The idea of an IAF official being given command and control of the Tejas programme has been floating around for some time now.
- Six vendors in contest to supply IAF with 110 fighters. The RFI mandates that 85 per cent of the fighters must be built in India, and each of those would cost at least $20 million more.
- Londonistan: Pakistani to shape Britain's immigration policy
- Terror-SAT: To keep an eye on India, 2 Pak spy satellites launched by China
- China behind mystery rise in ozone-depleting emissions: Scientists have been extremely puzzled by the mysterious rise in emissions.
- Mt Madonna Hanuman Temple:
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Fwd: Why Only Hindus, Buddhists, Jains And Sikhs Should Be Allowed Entry Into Puri Jagannath Temple by Sanjeev Nayyar in Swarajyamag.com
From: Sanjeev Nayyar
Governments and courts must also realize that one, Sikhs-Buddhists-Jains are allowed entry into Jagannath temple because culturally and spiritually there is a lot ie common with Hindus.
The Jagannath Temple Puri is recently in the news after the Supreme Court took over its management and suggested that non-Hindus should also be allowed to enter the temple.
At the outset it must be said that today and earlier too the word Hindu includes those communities covered by the Hindu Marriage Act i.e. Hindus, Buddhist, Jains and Sikhs. Simply put the temple is open to followers of Dharma or Indian Religions.
Indian History
According to a respected scholar and author of Attack and Robberies on Jagannath Mandir, Dr Surendra Mishra (retired Research Officer in Sri Jagannath Sanskrit University, Puri) there were never any restrictions in Sanatana Dharma on entry of non-Hindus into Jagannatha Mandir Puri. The restriction started after repeated destruction of the temple by Muslim invaders.
Dr Mishra said that two prominent temples of India that were and continue to be revered across India were repeatedly looted and destroyed namely Somanatha in Gujarat and Jagannatha in Puri.
For the record Somanatha temple was looted and destroyed seventeen times for eg by Mahmud of Ghazni in 1026, by Alauddin Khilji's Chief Afzal Khan in 1298 and Muzaffar 1395 who burnt the temple and broke the idol.
Likewise the Jagannath Temple Puri was invaded 18 times. For the record the first Muslim invasion was waged by Illlias Shah the Sultan of Bengal in 1340. Firuz Shah demolished the temple of Jagannatha and desecrated the images around 1360. Sultan Husain Shah of Bengal captured Puri in 1509 and destroyed the idols in Jaganatha Temple. The fifteenth invasion was waged by Amir Fateh Khan in 1647.
Every such raid resulted in destruction, loot and damage to the deities of Puri. During various attacks the deities were hidden at distant places or shifted from one place to another.
Also read: Invasions of the Temple of Lord Jagannath, Puri
Author of the above article Abhimanyu Dash, Lecturer in History at the Surajmahal Saha Mahavidyala Puri, wrote, "The most significant feature in the history of invasion on the great temple of Lord Jagannath at Puri that in no case the 'Brahma' of the deities were destroyed which continued till today. The servitors played an important role in safeguarding the triad at the time of danger. The Kings have taken care of the temple from destruction by surrendering before the invaders. The people of Puri have suffered but kept the temple safe."
With the advent of Maratha rule over Orissa (now Odisha) about 1751, its Dewan Bahadur Khan wrote to King Birakishore Deva that no attack on the Jagannatha temple would take place under Maratha rule.
Also read: When Lord Jagannath witnessed the great Maratha devotion
The pain caused by repeated destruction, loot and efforts by the people of Orissa to save the temple of Lord Jagannath have become part of the collective consciousness of the people of India, more so of the people of Puri. At the same time there is an inherent pride and happiness that their ancestors did not allow a mosque to be constructed on temple site as is the case at Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura.
Entry Barrier To Non-Hindus
Inspite of repeated destruction of the temple of Jagannath, starting 1340, Muslims were allowed entry into the temple till 1620 says Dr Mishra. Inspite of that Muslim invasions and loot did not stop. It was then that entry into temple was restricted to Hindus meaning Hindus, Buddhist, Jains and Sikhs. This closure to Muslims was effective June 1, 1660 says Dr Mishra.
Entry Restricted To Orthodox Hindus
According to Dr Mishra, the British as part of their divide and rule policy, put a board outside temple that read 'Only Orthodox Hindus allowed'. Unfortunately this board continues to exist. Practically speaking the temple today allows entry to Hindus of all communities, Buddhist, Jains and Sikhs. Note that ISKCON devotees (including foreigners) who are not Hindu by birth are not allowed entry into the temple.
Gurudwara in Puri
Guru Nanak Ji visited Puri twice. Once in 1508 and again in 1510 when he eventually could meet Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. From Puri Nanak left for Sri Lanka via Rameshwaram.
Just to jog your memory one of the 'Panch Pyare or Five Beloved Ones' who were baptised by Guru Govind Singhji on March 30, 1699 was from Puri. His name was Himmat Chand Kahar later renamed as Bhai Himat Singh Ji.
Bhai Almast, a notable Udasi preacher of the 17th century built Mangumath Ashram now called Mangumath Gurudwara. "The great saint of Orissa and lyric poet Bhagat Jaidev finds a place of eminence for his hymns in the Guru Granth Sahib."
So, can Muslims and Christians offer their respects to the deities of Jagannath Mandir?
Yes they can, but only once a year during the annual Rath Yatra.
Why should tradition of not allowing Muslims and Christians in Jagannath Mandir continue?
Historically the decision to stop Muslims from entering the temple was due to destruction caused by Muslim invasions.
Has the situation changed today? Not really! More than 50,000 soldiers protect Hindus during the annual Amarnath Yatra. Such arrangements are not required when Muslims visit Ajmer Sharif.
Further prominent Hindu temples continue to be guarded like fortresses for eg Somnath, Akshadham Gandhinagar, Vaishnudevi and Krishna Janmabhoomi amongst others not to forget the Muslim community's refusal to hand over the holy sites of Kashi, Mathura and Ayodhya to the Hindus. Till that happens the wounds caused by destruction of temples by Muslim invaders shall continue to fester.
It is not to imply that all Muslims who visit Hindu temples will cause destruction. That would be mischievous and wrong to say. However, the sentiments of the people of Odisha, larger Hindu community and the ground reality of temples being under constant threat make it imperative for the existing tradition to continue.
This New Indian Express report of July 8 says, "Manoj Rath, spokesperson of Gobardhan Pitha, the seat of Puri Shankaracharya Nischalananda Saraswati, said the decision of the seer is final on the issue. Quoting an earlier letter of the seer on the issue, Rath said the Shankaracharya had clearly mentioned that any deviation in the tradition of Jagannath temple in relation to entry of non-Hindus was not acceptable. On abolition of hereditary rights of servitors, he said the puja of every deity in the temple is conducted every day as per Shashtras. Any deviation would harm the divinity, Rath added.
Courts are not trained to know and appreciate the importance of religious practices and must stop interfering in Hindu traditions.
Governments and courts must also realize that Sikhs-Buddhists-Jains are allowed entry into Jagannath temple because culturally and spiritually there is a lot ie common with Hindus.
Also read: What is common to various schools of Indian Philosophy
Also read: India only home of the Followers of Dharma
Like any other organization management of the Jagannath Temple offers scope for improvement and reform. Let the Hindu community reform itself.
In a secular state it is inappropriate for the government or courts to interfere in the management of places of worship of the majority community. If they insists on doing so then the Courts and State must be involved in managing affairs of all communities and ensure that devotee donations made in temples, mosque, churches, gurudwaras, monasteries become of the State Treasury like it is in the case of South Indian temples today.
sanjeev nayyar
Australian Experiment Eliminates Over 80% of Disease-Carrying Mosquitoes
The experiment, conducted by scientists from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) and James Cook University (JCU), targeted Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which spread deadly diseases such as dengue fever and Zika.With the rise of more severe mosquito-borne diseases including Zika and Dengue, it's important for India to get a handle on its mosquito problems.
In JCU laboratories, researchers bred almost 20 million mosquitoes, infecting males with bacteria that made them sterile. Then, last summer, they released over three million of them in three towns on the Cassowary Coast.
The sterile male mosquitoes didn't bite or spread disease, but when they mated with wild females, the resulting eggs didn't hatch, and the population crashed.
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Fwd: The military and 4 years of Modi – need for course correction+ A new twist to insurgency in the Valley+ India and Korean Dream
From: Sanjeev Nayyar
sanjeev nayyar
the man who knows plastic and paves our roads with it. much better than dumping in water bodies
the mother of all rice came from india, not china
Saturday, July 07, 2018
Quick notes: Air-India caves in, Ghost airport...
- Orwellian nonsense: Air-India caves in to China's demands and wipes all mention of Taiwan from its website. Instruction came from the Ministry of External Affairs.
- Why India is paying millions for world's emptiest airport: "It's clearly strategic. Since the days of Prime Minister P. V. Narasimha Rao, India has been trying to build a military base in Sri Lanka".
- Made-in-India: With a top speed of 120 km/h and 0-60 km/h in under 4 seconds, the Surge electric motorcycle offers a range of 100 km on a single charge.
- App Traps: How cheap Chinese smartphones siphon user data in developing countries
- Jon Higgins, the bhagavatar:
- Control your own data: How to remove third-party access to your Gmail inbox w/ Google Security Checkup
- Lucrative business-model: Sister, staff of Missionaries of Charity held for selling baby in Ranchi
- Temples or Museums? SC wants Jagannath temple to allow non-Hindus
SC displays standard semitic pov that Hindu temples are museums for non believers to gawk at, not living spiritual centers. In other words, SC wishes Hinduism were a museum piece https://t.co/HT3Vp1R5EK— राजीवः श्रीनिवासः (@RajeevSrinivasa) July 6, 2018
Friday, July 06, 2018
ISRO's Crew Escape Test for Future Manned Spaceflight
Video of test released by ISRO
Thursday, July 05, 2018
metalworking nexus between haifa, sarasvati, hanoi
ISRO Conducts Pad Abort Test
Wednesday, July 04, 2018
Quick notes: Hamas apps, Aadhaar theft...
- Indian defence establishment should take note: Hamas 'created dating apps and fake Facebook profiles to try to lure Israeli soldiers'
- 13-feet walls not enough: Stealing your Aadhaar details costs just Rs 125
- China's penetration of Silicon Valley: More than 20 Silicon Valley venture capital firms have close ties to a Chinese govt fund or state-owned entity. The U.S. Congress is finalizing legislation to expand the govt’s power to block foreign investment in “critical” technologies, including venture investment.
- Threatened by Trump: China presses Europe for anti-U.S. alliance on trade
- Ghar Wapsi: Lithuanians seek identity in their pagan roots ....(Hindus should support their liberation from church)
- Raga Mohanam by Chong Chiu Sen: A Malaysian-Chinese disciple of D.K. Pattammal
- Matthew 10:32 to 10:37: 32Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. 33But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. 34Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 35For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. 37He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
Pallavi: Ninnu kori yunna nura nikila loka nayaka
Anupallavi: Nannu palimpa samayamura nameeda krupa judara
Charanam: Sannuthanga Sreenivasa
Tuesday, July 03, 2018
Fwd: Indo Pacific strategy cost India development opportunity+ Jordon is the pivot to Modi’s approach to Israeli Palestine conflict+Trump, Putin and future of the West
From: Sanjeev Nayyar
sanjeev nayyar