Friday, March 30, 2018
why one belt one road is going to fall flat on its face
my new piece on #facebook/#cambridgeanalytica scandal
on #cambridge analytica and facebook
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Fwd: Can India stop being obsessed with salaried jobs by Sanjeev Nayyar in Economic Times
From: Sanjeev Nayyar
Recently Prime Minister Modi said that, "Even selling pakodas is a job". Congress leader Chidambaram wanted to know how many jobs had been created. A few days later the World Bank said, "India needs to create regular, salaried jobs with growing earnings rather than self-employed ones in order to join the ranks of the global middle class by 2047."
In the absence of credible data the political tug-of war on jobs shall continue. Having said that, one way to ascertain job growth is to look at corporate and industrial data.
.... deleted
5 million bangladeshis in assam?
China's Social Credibility Scoring System
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
ISRO Planning Vertical Landing Rocket?
In addition to landing legs, the above concept has a small single engine thruster, and may be a simple test-flight article meant for evaluation and research purposes, similar to the RLV-TD.
Fwd: Interview with S. Gurumurthy Part 3: India’s Future in the World
From: Rajiv Malhotra
Rajiv Malhotra
Infinity Foundation
174 Nassau Street #400
Princeton, NJ 08542

Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Quick notes: Defenseless Yazidis, Modicare's high cost...
- First ISIS, now Erdogan: Yazidis left vulnerable as Kurdish forces pull out of northern Iraq
- India's tech hope: L&T Techology Services develops autonomous vehicle platform
- Modicare's high cost: Govt may borrow Rs 4 lakh crore from market to fulfil budget promises
- Health sector mess: Without addressing the issue of pricing, Modicare will become unsustainable over the years.
- Pay back: Panel recommends fixing of 'minimum compulsory period' of working within country for doctors
- Will China stab Qualcomm in the back? Qualcomm's purchase of NXP has received regulatory approval in all jurisdictions except one: China. The decision could hurt America’s sole company (Qualcomm) fighting Huawei for dominance in 5G wireless technologies.
- KKKangress appeasement on overdrive: Karnataka Govt tweaks minority college admission rule
- Living With Phytic Acid: The anti-nutrient you should know about
Hypersonic Missiles Changing the Face of War
India's BrahMos cruise missile is supersonic and not a hypersonic weapon. It currently has a short range of 300km, which is now being upgraded to 600+ km range. The BrahMos-2 missile will be hypersonic.Weapons like these will be particularly deadly against Pakistan, but meanwhile China's main strategic assets are located quite far away from the border with India, so India would have to develop much longer-range weapons. Fortunately, India is now part of the MTCR, which can help it gain more access to the necessary technology, particularly from Russia.
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Quick notes: Startup rankings, Erdogan's jihad...
- Macaulay's children: India slipping further down the global startup hub rankings
Rank Region
1 Silicon Valley
2 New York
3 London
4 Beijing
5 Boston
6 Tel Aviv
7 Berlin
8 Shanghai
9 Los Angeles
10 Seattle
11 Paris
12 Singapore
13 Austin
14 Stockholm
15 Vancouver
16 Toronto
17 Sydney
18 Chicago
19 Amsterdam
20 Bengaluru - Indian Army's lack of direction: First invest in human beings – not platforms. As every growing economy has realised it is the soldier, not the machine that wins wars. First they need to get rid of the sahayak system, and over the top perks enjoyed by the officer core, including golf courses and golf carts. Then they need to start investing in serious body armour, and rifles for soldiers, while selling their many priceless properties that they don’t need.
- Our next East India Company: E-commerce in India is growing faster than other Asian countries. Amazon gains a firm footing against homegrown rival Flipkart.
- Erdogan's jihad: When Turkey’s armed forces finally seized control of the Kurdish enclave of Afrin in northern Syria, it was presented as a victory by “Islam’s last army” in a holy war.
- In Erdogan's crosshairs: Kurdish rebels withdraw from Iraq's Sinjar
- Hafiz Kazi: Indian behind deadly vehicle crash at Travis Air Force Base
- #deletefacebook: How to dump Facebook… or at least put it in the dog house for a while
Trump's New NSA May Be Pakistan-Appeaser
China's "Unrestricted Warfare"
Thursday, March 22, 2018
submarines are china's secret weapon, india needs a few of its own
what 'could be' a ploy? it IS a ploy
can india deliver force projection in the indian ocean?
Fwd: The neighbourhood tangle+China’s strategic vulnerabilities make it assailable+Sino India boundary row is a wound from history
From: Sanjeev Nayyar
India's war-preparedness against a China-Pakistan imposed "Two Front War" scenarios must be placed on a fast-track mode and the Indian policy establishment not lulled into complacency of an under-emphasised or de-emphasised 'China Threat' by certain sections in the Indian policy establishment. Concurrently, the Indian policy establishment should minutely scrutinise China's strategic vulnerabilities so that these could be exploited by India to off-set the power asymmetry with China.
sanjeev nayyar
Quick notes: Solar parks, Quality of living...
- India's vast solar parks: Unlike in developed nations, the vast majority of solar power in India comes not from decentralized rooftop panels but from expansive parks. Indian authorities have enticed developers by acquiring land, building transmission links and offering up buyers for the new power, usually state-owned companies with low default risk.
- 2018 Quality of Living ranking: "Indian cities are yet to make any marked leaps on the quality of living scale".... Mobility innovations: Unclogging streets could help city dwellers save 125 hours a year — the equivalent of three full work weeks.
- Soul vultures target other Korea: The last Americans in North Korea: Christian missionaries
- Who’s Afraid of Huawei? Security worries spread beyond the U.S.... Best Buy is ditching Huawei phones amid security concerns... China's WeChat banned by Australian defence dept... WeChat: From copycat to Goliath.... And now this: Chinese companies are buying up cash-strapped U.S. colleges
- Stem cell cure for macular degeneration: Doctors have devised a way of building a new retinal pigment epithelium and surgically implanting it into the eye.
- Absolute Watchfulness:
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Fwd: Cover story of rajiv malhotra interview in Swarajya Magazine
From: Rajiv Malhotra
Rajiv Malhotra
Infinity Foundation
174 Nassau Street #400
Princeton, NJ 08542

my piece on cambridge analytica and its links to congress
Fwd: China’s stealth war in the Himalayas+ To be fighting fit +Nepal plan power trade agreement with China and Bangladesh
From: Sanjeev Nayyar
Recently, it was announced that the government was planning to raise nine ITBP battalions to "reduce the inter BoP (border outpost) distance" along the China border. Not only does this reflect an inadequate understanding of how the border is to be manned but completely ignores the existing deployment of the Army. A comprehensive and an integrated approach to border management could result in considerable savings.
Monday, March 19, 2018
Quick notes: Digital tax, Renewable natural gas...
Digital tax on "Big Tech": EU to tax US tech titans not just on their profits but on their overall revenue in the bloc. Tax-avoidance strategies used by the tech giants like Google and Facebook deprives EU of billions of euros.
Natural gas from cow dung: Natural gas is the cleanest-burning fossil fuel. Extracting methane from cow manure could create fuel without fracking. “The potential is huge.”
China's agricultural miracle: The scale of the project has stunned international scientists. A landmark project to make agriculture more sustainable in China has significantly cut fertilizer use while boosting crop yields on millions of small farms. The study involved some 1,000 researchers and 21 million smallholders.
Lifespan gains: China’s air quality has improved so significantly in recent years that citizens can expect to see their lifespan increase by 2.4 years.
Gabriella Burnel: Pūrṇamadaḥ Pūrṇamidam
Monotheism and its Weapons: Early Christians were much more likely to close down the academies, shut temples, loot and destroy artwork, forbid traditional practices and burn books. They believed that the world we inhabit is a perilous place, crowded with malevolent supernatural beings, who sometimes manifest themselves in the form of fake gods. It's the Christian’s duty to root these out. 'The Christian destruction of the classical world'.
Sunday, March 18, 2018
simultaneous elections would mean that the centre doesn't have to be in perpetual election mode
what does the free indo-pacific mean?
translation: hans are actually worried about quad + 3
can indian IT services firms really reinvent themselves? hope so
no point trying to kowtow to china
Friday, March 16, 2018
why is dirty laundry being aired in public? to encourage the hans/paks?
Thursday, March 15, 2018
three by-poll losses and they're already singing obituaries to modi in 2019
Fwd: Support for OLI conducive to China Nepal relations+ The coming of PTEROYUAN+CPEC: western route and Balochistan
From: Sanjeev Nayyar
sanjeev nayyar
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
new delhi is walking into chinese trap: harsh pant
Fwd: The existential threat that the oligarchs pose for the Indian Republic
From: Jay Bhattacharjee
Date: Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 1:58 PM
Subject: The existential threat that the oligarchs pose for the Indian Republic
Advisor (Corporate Laws & Finance)
marathas and modi
modi explains why he brings in vibheeshanas
reflections on hinduphobia
critical defense project of railway lines on tibet border remains unfunded
pablo neruda, nobel winning chilean poet, on his rape of a sri lankan tamil woman
Quick notes: Security concerns, EV target...
- Here you go! Trump halts Broadcom takeover of Qualcomm. “If the deal was completed, the U.S. military was concerned that within 10 years, there would essentially be a dominant player in all of these technologies and that’s essentially Huawei, and then the American carriers would have no choice. They would just have to buy Huawei (equipment).”
- Stand up to China: Modi sarkaar's genuflection to Chinese concerns on Dalai Lama are not in India’s national interest.
- India scaling back EV ambitions: Govt proposes 30% electric vehicle target, instead of total fleet switch
- Pollution's cost: 'India incurred $55.39 bn losses in terms of labour output caused by air pollution in 2013'.... From the archives of this blog: Pollution 'hits China's farmland': This is India's future too - unless plans for 'Chemical Hubs' and other pie-in-the-sky are abandoned and real focus is brought to the agri sector . Remember - before giving them jobs - you have to give them food!!!
- Controversial land deals: Syro-Malabar Catholic Church in Kerala in graft row
- Scrcpy: Control your Android device from your PC
- Meera Bhajan in South: