good catch by arvind.
not surprising that other racists have caught on to wendy's racism.
but what's a little surprising is that the skinhead feels there are no racist scholarly tomes about the chinese/japanese. there must have been many written during the 'yellow peril' and 'red chinese' days. does this mean that the media blitz done by/for the chinese has obliterated even the racists' memory of hate about the mongoloid peoples.
the hindus are easy to beat up on, so the racists (just as in australia, although there i suspect it is the lebanese, not random white trash) will keep killing/attacking hindus/sikhs/hinduism. (to digress a bit isn't it utterly amazing that not a single mohammedan or christist indian student in australia has been attacked -- what, the lebanese thugs ask them what their religion is before attacking them?)
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From: Arvind
Wendy Doniger seems to be a hero among Nazis. Check out the site where they post their hateful messages. Someone posted asking what could be done to spread hatred against Asians and someone else responded claiming that they could use Wendy Doniger's book if the original poster meant Indians when (s)he asked about Asians!
From: Arvind
Wendy Doniger seems to be a hero among Nazis. Check out the site where they post their hateful messages. Someone posted asking what could be done to spread hatred against Asians and someone else responded claiming that they could use Wendy Doniger's book if the original poster meant Indians when (s)he asked about Asians!
I go to a school which is heavily diverse and liberal, (dont worry im leaving for texas in 4 months). I expressed my beliefs particularly on asians and recieved many 'dont hate' speeches and was called a joke. How do I get my point across standing alone? |
Use references by Professors who have written about Asians. Not sure which group of Asian you are talking about (Middle Eastern, Indian, Far Eastern), but Prof. Wendy Doniger of the University of Chicago has written a lot about Indians and Hindus that annoy them. She is a true White Nationalist soldier which is why Microsoft Encarta targeted her and once removed her article from their encyclopedia.
Check her out though --
I should also add that she is one of the WNs who is from the left (there is another thread which deals with the subject of whether one can be a White Nationalist and a Communist). Her method is primarily to point out the negative influence that Hindus have had on the world in general, but this does not mean that she does not highlight White pride. She does that too in her books when she gets the chance.
If you were talking of Middle Eastern Asians, you should be able to use he works of any number of scholars. If it is the far-eastern Asians you speak about, then it is a little more difficult to find scholarly stuff on them.
Using authoritative works by Professors always convinces most students. That is what you should do.
Check her out though --
I should also add that she is one of the WNs who is from the left (there is another thread which deals with the subject of whether one can be a White Nationalist and a Communist). Her method is primarily to point out the negative influence that Hindus have had on the world in general, but this does not mean that she does not highlight White pride. She does that too in her books when she gets the chance.
If you were talking of Middle Eastern Asians, you should be able to use he works of any number of scholars. If it is the far-eastern Asians you speak about, then it is a little more difficult to find scholarly stuff on them.
Using authoritative works by Professors always convinces most students. That is what you should do.
Not sure where you got the idea that there is no racism against East Asians because of the so-called "Chinese media blitz". A&F made a racist T-shirt in 2003 that said two wongs make it white, with Chinese characters, besides who can forget the Vincent Chin case?
Wendy Doniger is liked by WNs, i am surprised...NOT
Good catch! Spread the word.Good wishes.
i remember vincent chin, wasn't he the guy beaten to death with a baseball bat by people who thought he was japanese?
but that's not the point. see what the skinhead is saying: he simply cannot think of anything racist against east asians! but he has plenty in stock against indians. this means the *image* of china (cultivated via eg. the olympics, the 24-volume needham history of chinese science and technology) has penetrated the skulls of the skinheads, and that there is a generally benign attitude towards east asians. but there is general contempt towards indians.
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