Sunday, July 04, 2021

is christism incompatible with black people?

let's take a look at history and current affairs. 

first, there was slavery (justified by "sons of shem [ie semites] shall rule over the sons of ham" and enthusiastically supported by the baptist church in the US south) and apartheid (justified similarly by the dutch reformed church in south africa). and now we have BLM. 

second, the genocide of tutsis by hutus in rwanda, for which a bishop and two godwomen were convicted of crimes against humanity.

third, the old christist country of ethiopia is falling apart: eritrea broke off, and now the province of tigray is on the verge of defeating both the ethiopian and eritrean armies. full scale state failure appears likely.

most of black africa was converted from their native religions by either RoL or RoP in the last century. i am not sure it has brought peace and prosperity to any part of africa. 

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