Saturday, February 06, 2021

Strategy Paper On India by Anonymous Senior US Official Causes A Stir

An anonymous paper written by a senior US official about India is causing a stir:

Who is this anonymous official? I've no idea, but my guess would be Mike Pompeo, the recent outgoing US Secretary of State and former CIA chief. But again, it's just a guess.

You may remember that it was Pompeo who started referring to Xi Jinping as "General Secretary Xi Jinping" instead of as President Xi Jinping, etc. He was directly challenging Xi's image of himself as being China's leader-for-life, and instead diminishing him to the role of current CCP chairman, a position which various partymen have rotated through.

Key points:

  • The single most important challenge facing the United States and the democratic world in the twenty-first century is the rise of an increasingly authoritarian and aggressive China under Xi Jinping. China has long had an integrated, operational strategy for dealing with the United States. The United States has so far had no such strategy with regard to China. This is a dereliction of national responsibility.
  • US strategy and policy toward China must be laser-focused on the fault lines among Xi and his inner circle–aimed at changing their objectives and behavior and thus their strategic course. Communist Party elites are much more divided about Xi’s leadership and vast ambitions than is widely appreciated.
  • The foremost goal of US strategy should be to cause China’s ruling elites to conclude that it is in China’s best interests to continue operating within the US-led liberal international order rather than building a rival order, and that it is in the Chinese Communist Party’s best interests to not attempt to expand China’s borders or export its political model beyond China’s shores.

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