Tuesday, January 04, 2022

is the punjab problem religious, political, or economic?

i think it's a mixture of all of the above, and it is going to damage the state badly if cooler heads do not prevail.

1 comment:

non-carborundum said...


Personal experience counts on this subject and so you are missing the reality here.

Sikhs do not reciprocate the one-sided love from Hindus. This is the norm. The overwhelming majority despises Hindus. Want a number? 90% is an understatement.

I don't want to elaborate too much, but this situation cannot be salvaged, and even if there is a slim chance it can be, it would be by leaving this community to its own devices. Maybe that will knock some sense into them, when their ROP/ ROL brothers sock them in the chin.

No one else is going to fight for Hindus, second least of all, Sikhs.