Tuesday, March 23, 2021

the tragic(?) #defenestration of pratap bhanu mehta


ecosystem has sprung into action, but pbmehta's productive output as a scholar (which i assume is some sort of cultural marxism), nor his verbose, content-light pieces in the indian express, do not seem to justify the high valuation that is placed on him.

what really is his claim to fame? does he have a high h-factor? is he cited highly by his peers? which of his books are texts or best-sellers? are any of his theories household names or seminal contributions?

i don't think so, to answer my own questions.

he really should have kept his opinions to himself, rather than impose them on his students and damage the university's image especially as an administrator. i can say this because i have been teaching for years, without once bringing my personal views into the picture. i thought those were not relevant to my work as a professor or as a director of a small business school. it is true that sometimes students or ex-students have sought me out based on what they read of my articles. but it is completely unethical of me to impose my views on them. but that's not true of many faculty. i was aware of an iim faculty who was a zealous convert (hindu to christian) and she was quite happy to evangelize. another man was a marxist zealot and he used to preach his views to students as well. 

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