Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Snakes in Backyard Again

Sheikh Hasina has fled from Bangladesh to India, after students agitation under the pretext of protesting quotas have now toppled her govt. Given that Hasina never supported quotas, their sudden focus on ousting her seems rather contrived.

I think Washington NeoCons have decided to pull another "colour revolution" on us, just like they did in 2014 by overthrowing Ukraine's elected govt and replacing it with one hostile to Russia.

After suffering losses on 9/11 and subsequently in 2 decades of war in Afghanistan, America has quickly forgotten any lessons it may have learned, and is again back to supporting Islamists in the region. How quickly they cycle through their past habits. 

Maybe they feel Bengal is a safer bet than AfPak, and that fanning radicalism in our backyard rather than theirs will keep the pressure squarely on us. But snakes in someone else's backyard can still travel. If BinLaden could travel to AfPak, then what's to prevent Hamas or ISIS from showing up in Bangladesh?

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