Sunday, August 25, 2024

is there a way to prevent future disasters like wayanad?

the new axis of evil

the 'gang of four': china, Russia, Iran and north korea as the principal adversaries for the US.

but what happened to bush's 2002 axis of evil: Iran, Iraq and north Korea?

your social media better tell the narrative we want. or else.

so they have arrested the #telegram founder for not going with the narrative-building plan. I told you so: the whole house of cards is about #narrative from #deepstate. anybody who doesn't toe the line is unpersoned, erased. see

Monday, August 19, 2024

Quick Notes: Tech jobs | Hockey legend...

  • AI Is Coming for India’s Famous Tech Hub: AI might accelerate trends that have already made the industry less labor-intensive. About a decade ago, companies needed about 27 employees to earn $1 million in annual revenue. That number has now fallen to 21 employees ..The industry added 60,000 jobs in the year ended in March, the lowest annual increase in more than a decade.

  • China Expert: “India must copy this from China to stay ahead!” Manoj Kewalramani -- MUST WATCH!

  • China's explosive rise in EVs: How BYD, Nio and other Chinese EVs compare to Tesla

  • Loitering munitions: India Unveils Lethal 'Swadeshi' Kamikaze Drones With 1,000 Km Range. . . Ukraine war fuels rise of killer AI robots

  • Japan's chipmaking revival? Rapidus to use AI and robots to automate back end chipmaking processes.. claims automation can slash delivery times by 66% versus TSMC and Samsung.

  • The Wall of India - PR Sreejesh: The hockey legend who stood tall in cricket-mad India . . . A traditional Kerala meal for Sreejesh

  • More white elephants? "India's dream to host Olympics 2036, we are preparing"... Is it to foster sporting culture, or to leverage national pride that borders on jingoism?.... Hosting Olympics is NOT a great investment:

  • The world is but a show, glittering and empty. It is, and yet is not. It is there as long as I want to see it and take part in it. When I cease caring, it dissolves, It has no cause and serves no purpose. It just happens when we are absent-minded. It appears exactly as it looks, but there is no depth in it, nor meaning. Only the onlooker is real, call him Self or Atma. To the Self the world is but a colourful show, which he enjoys as long as it lasts and forgets when it is over. Whatever happens on the stage makes him shudder in terror or roll with laughter, yet all the time he is aware that it is but a show. Without desire or fear he enjoys it, as it happens.
    I am a dream that can wake you up.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Nixon and Kissinger on Indians 1971

Nathan FOIA Tankus (@NathanTankus) posted at 4:54 AM on Sun, Dec 03, 2023:
I have been reading this revolting quote from Nixon circulating about "Indian women" from the middle of the Bangladesh genocide in June 1971 and I like to periodically check up on primary sources so I dug it out and made subtitles. Truly disgusting freaks.

By no means am I saying all white people are like this. In fact I can personally vouch for some white Americans very decent people. But racism against Indians and religious hatred against Hindus are increasing, and that  is deplorable and is a fact. 

Here is chapter and verse. see the subsequent tweets for the original source material.

Somebody told me Jews (Kissinger being one) are not white. not true. (apart from regrettable anti-jew sentiment that i would dissociate myself from). 'whiteness' is a construct. up until WW2 jews were considered low class (there were signs saying "no blacks and jews allowed" in the redneck South of the US). a shipful of jews fleeing europe during WW2 was denied landing rights and sent back to pretty much certain death. (echoes of 'Komagata Maru'?). after WW2, there was white guilt about them; plus jews became wealthy in the US and dominated medicine, finance, Hollywood etc. lots of jewish money eg rothschilds from europe came in (and was venture capital for silicon valley, for example). suddenly jews were "promoted" to white. 

yes, you too can become "white" if you meet certain criteria. eg japanese were 'honorary whites' in apartheid south africa. 

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

U.S Revokes Visa Of Sheikh Hasina

United States of Regime Change is confirming that it is indeed the hand behind Hasina's ouster.

With the US opening up its new front against India, I don't see how we can tolerate this kind of backstab.

We should support the establishment of a BRICS currency, even if in a limited form so that China doesn't totally dominate it..

We should withdraw from the LECISMOA logistical support agreement with US Navy.

If US tries to seek a military base in Bangladesh, they're only going to expose themselves to a jihadi threat.

Snakes in Backyard Again

Sheikh Hasina has fled from Bangladesh to India, after students agitation under the pretext of protesting quotas have now toppled her govt. Given that Hasina never supported quotas, their sudden focus on ousting her seems rather contrived.

I think Washington NeoCons have decided to pull another "colour revolution" on us, just like they did in 2014 by overthrowing Ukraine's elected govt and replacing it with one hostile to Russia.

After suffering losses on 9/11 and subsequently in 2 decades of war in Afghanistan, America has quickly forgotten any lessons it may have learned, and is again back to supporting Islamists in the region. How quickly they cycle through their past habits. 

Maybe they feel Bengal is a safer bet than AfPak, and that fanning radicalism in our backyard rather than theirs will keep the pressure squarely on us. But snakes in someone else's backyard can still travel. If BinLaden could travel to AfPak, then what's to prevent Hamas or ISIS from showing up in Bangladesh?

Monday, August 05, 2024

Quick notes: Death by landslides | Power-hungry AI...

  • Man-made catastrophe: Man-made Church-made disaster. 62 per cent of the green cover in Wayanad district disappeared between 1950 and 2018 while plantation cover rose by around 1,800 per cent. Around 85 per cent of the total area of Wayanad was under forest cover until the 1950s.

  • Cardinal sin: Church organized agitations against restricting commercial activities in ecologically sensitive areas.

  • Over-Tourism: Wayanad received more than 1 million domestic and foreign tourists last year, nearly triple the number in 2011 when a federal govt report warned against over-development. Kerala has witnessed nearly 60% of the landslides in India between 2015 and 2022 . . . . Experts panel locates 70,582 buildings in buffer zones; most number of structures in Wayanad

  • Scientists May Have Discovered the Cause of Autism: Researchers investigated the link between polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in umbilical cord blood samples and autism scores in 200 children. The study identified one particular compound in the umbilical cord blood acid, called diHETrE, that may have "strong implications" for ASD severity.

  • "Muscular Nationalism": India-China military tensions persist even as their trade surges. India’s exports to China stood at $16 billion last year while imports were more than $100 billion.

  • Why the Internet Is Running Out of Electricity: The massive power draw of Generative AI is overtaxing our grid.

  • “Where” will the Energy for AI come from?: Google reveals 48% increase in greenhouse gas emissions from 2019, largely driven by data center energy demands.

  • Generative AI patents: China beat the U.S. in generative AI patents by 6-to-1 for the past ten years — almost 10,000 Chinese patents filed last year alone

  • AI superpower: Chinese AI built off open-source code matches American tech in chatbot benchmark tests.

  • Google pulls Gemini AI ad from Olympics after backlash: "Why would anyone want to replace a child’s creativity and authentic expression with words written by a computer?"

  • Vidushi Sangeeta Katti Kulkarni: Enna Paliso | Kannada Devotional