Monday, July 22, 2024

President Dhristrashtra Bows Out, Vice President Gandhari to Step In, Kauravas to Run Amok

Biden is bowing out of the presidential race, and has endorsed Kamala as his replacement.

Very predictably, NeoCon Never-Trumpers who'd supported Nikki Haley are now throwing their money behind Kamala, who is Trump's next remaining opponent

Nikki, as a Republican, has endorsed Trump who is the duly designated party nominee.

But the Never-Trumpers who funded her -- and who are now choosing to throw their money at Kamala -- would not be similarly bound.

The Never-Trumpers are the hardcore NeoCons who play outside normal rules. If there's any political faction I'd suspect of trying to assassinate Trump, it's those people.

Nikki herself is not those people, she's just been a useful tool and a beneficiary of their money, just like Kamala now will be.

NeoCons will want to use idiot Kamala the same way they used senile Biden, to rubberstamp them in their pursuit of more war, death, and destruction.

President Dhritarashtra is now bowing out.

Will Kamala be a blindfolded Gandhari who allows more war?

Will their Kauravas continue to run amok?

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