so goddamn profound, that bit about noun vs adjective! of course, it reveals more about her and the nyt mindset than anything about india. this is like a UCB prof (goldberg?) said when barbara crossette (a clueless nyt hack in india some years ago) wrote a book about india: "if you know nothing about india, you will learn nothing from this book. if you know anything about india, you'll realize this is complete nonsense". let us also recall that a recent nyt ad for a hack in india said that qualifications for the job included hating modi and wishing to put down india.
this is what i said about these pathetic creatures a few years ago: https://swarajyamag.com/ideas/when-it-comes-to-india-most-expatriate-journalists-display-an-inherent-racism it's just gotten worse over time. their agenda is regime change and the return on the nehru dynasty to power.
meanwhile, back at the ranch. this is also from the NYT.
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