Saturday, April 10, 2021

important: biodiversity <-> climate change

i understand there will be two huge conclaves later this year, one the COP, and the other a big shindig on the crisis in biodiversity (large numbers of species going extinct). i also suspect the two groups are not even talking to each other. here's a good article on this topic.

india can again claim moral and historical leadership in biodiversity preservation (eg the bishnois, chipko movement, and the extraordinary fact that megafauna extinction say from 60,000+ years ago was the lowest in the world in the indian subcontinent, whereas homo sapiens colonization of other lands caused immediate extinction of large species eg the moa in new zealand). i wonder if this can be leveraged to support the idea that species diversity <==> health of the planet <==> resilience against global warming, while taking steps to mitigate climate change. 

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