Thursday, January 21, 2021

biden "diversity": hispanics+blacks on stage; but no nonchristians

did you notice how a couple of black people and two latinas (jennifer lopez and justice sotomayor) were trotted out as examples of 'diversity'? but where were the asians? the native americans? 

oh, i guess 'kamala' is supposed to be an asian.

but notice how kamala was determinedly black american christian, swearing, i believe, on TWO bibles? of which one belonged to her black neighbor in oakland. no diversity there. she could have sworn on one bible and one bhagavad gita, because after all her mother was a hindu (ok, once upon a time). 

no hint of the alleged indian-american-ness that lots of indians are going ga-ga over. 

why didn't she wear a sari? we know the answer: her indian-american gig was an election stunt. figures. i lived in the bay area for 15 years when she was a rising star, and not once did she ever show up at any indian-american do. 

in the hoopla and pomp and circumstance, did you notice any jews? muslims? hindus? buddhists? on stage. i didn't. maybe i missed it. i wasn't paying that much attention. any non-christian benedictions? i heard biden talk about augustine a few times in reverential tones. (there are some choice augustine quotes, of the hair-raising bigotry variety, in 'the darkening age'). 

so i guess there is NO diversity on the religion front. just that instead of it being lily-white there are a smattering of brown/black.

is it fair to conclude that if trump was a white supremacist racist, biden is a christian fundamentalist bigot? or that the US is an unapologetic christian fundamentalist nation, regardless of whether it's redneck southern republicans or hoity-toity atlanticist northeastern democrats? (asking for a friend)

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