Wednesday, September 09, 2020

this is SF? looks surreal, like a science fiction movie

damn, not a good year for the san francisco bay area. a picture at 9:09am today 9/9/20.


sent from xiaomi redmi note 5 phone, so please excuse brevity and typos


Pagan said...

karyakarta92 said...

It’s been very surreal over the last few days - almost like a nuclear winter - the Sun hidden and sunlight restrained by the massive cloud of smoke. It’s like this all over California apparently.
It’s been raining ashes and embers continuously - there’s a massive fire not too far away from where I am - that was apparently set deliberately. I did some Coolie work yesterday with a Desi style broom and buckets of water. Feel very sorry in particular for some friends who are within 5 miles of a big fire - a Hindu family with an autistic girl.