Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Quick notes: Western diet, Ionic wind...

  • Western diet triggers microbial extinctions: Burgers and fries have nearly killed our ancestral microbiome.

  • Ionic Wind: First ever plane with no moving parts takes flight. How the world’s first solid-state aircraft used ‘ionic wind’ to fly

  • Secular BJP: Bawakhaleshwar temple, Navi Mumbai

  • Murder??? Wait, what?! Christian Colonizers Demand Justice for Christian Who Attempted to Colonize an Indigenous Tribe

  • Leave the Sentinelese alone: The quality of life among the Sentinelese and others is not “primitive” and is very refined. When a tribal Jarawa gives a gift to anothers, something like a bow and arrow or a shell-necklace or some food, the gift-giver presents the gift with great reverence. The other man does not take it straightaway. He takes his own time. Are we like this? Social mores are such that an individual knows that when he commits a wrong, he has to punish himself. There is no tribal chief, council or panchayat to enforce anything. Such an individual isolates himself. The community indicates its disapproval by not looking at him, not talking to him. If food is in short supply, they will share. Nobody starves. If there is plenty, they will feast. Those who bring a hunted turtle, wild boar or honey, do not advertise their claims over it. Selfishness is unknown. The clans follow monogamy. There are no free-for-all sexual orgies. Close relatives do not marry each other. The absence of attire does not mean anything to them. They believe that the body is nature’s gift and should be treated with respect. 

  • Insight into the Sentinel Island:

  • Devotion with Sri Mooji:

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