Wednesday, November 23, 2005

From the mailbox: Indian Call Center Workers Suffer Racial Abuse

nov 23

the incoherent rage of the unwashed yankee. some of them feel *entitled* to their jobs. what is happening with BPO is that moderately smart, moderately educated white people are losing their jobs to smarter, better educated, younger foreigners. welcome to globalization, boys and girls! after all, america has been the biggest champion of trade liberalization. that is, when it suits them. otherwise they want not 'free trade', but 'fair trade', a nice euphemism for 'non-tariff barriers'.

just normal hypocrisy.



Anonymous said...

When it comes to 'fair' trade, America does not even spare Canada. There is a softwood lumber dispute going on between USA and Canada. Briefly put, Canada can sell softwood lot cheaper than USA and the American softwood industry does not like it. Under the pretext of dumping, they have levied duties, which today totals around $5billion. Canada won the case in the NAFTA court and yesterday some Washington court also ruled it in favour of Canada. Yet the americans continue to charge duties on Canadian softwood.

We will all see what will happen to USA when ALQaeda does manage to have a few nuclear diwali in near future. Pride goes before a fall.

Anonymous said...

I checked my dress materials a few days back (all these were bought in Philadelphia).

2 pairs of Levi's - one from Pakistan and one from Bangladesh
a pair of adidas - from Philippines
2 Arrow shirts - both from Bangladesh
a CK shirt - from Philippines

Why arent the Americans not worried about this?