Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Facebook Ban Against OpIndia - How to Respond

Facebook is now banning anyone from sharing articles from OpIndia:


This ban follows a concerted smear campaign against OpIndia by the Left:


We've seen the big furor Wikipedia has triggered in Indian courts by refusing court directives on ANI.

If ANI can move the courts on Wikipedia, then OpIndia should try doing the same against Facebook.

Or Alternatively:

Just as US authorities are now talking about divesting Tiktok from Chinese ownership so that it can function independently in America, likewise we Indians should talk about doing the exact same thing for Facebook, Wikipedia, etc in India.

If US can justify this, then we can too.

1 comment:

nizhal yoddha said...

agreed. India really needs to ban Facebook and YouTube and Wikipedia. the only app anybody cares about in India is Whatsapp.