Wednesday, June 19, 2024

podcast 'the end of everything': is that the future for indian civilization?

hanson makes a frightening case. we must remember nalanda's cataclysm, and vijayanagar's. india's enemies are not looking to just win, but to wipe out indian civilization. indians have to cultivate shatrubodham because today's enemies come in different forms and are more subtle, but the end result they seek is the same. 

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Caste Game on the Rise in the West

In Canada's main province of Ontario, the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) has declared that Indians are infected  with an evil culture of discrimination they have inherited and always carry with them wherever they go, and thus must be condemned.

When student protests on campus against the Israeli govt make Jewish students feel unsafe, then politicians unanimously condemn it, and even university presidents are forced to resign. But when university faculties are themselves singling out Indians for attack - not even a govt, but an ethnic group - then apparently it's all fine and normal. It seems like there are double standards, which apply different standards of justice for different ethnic groups. The more that Indians stay silent on this, the more this will happen, and the worse it will get.