Wednesday, October 13, 2010

the true story of hindu kings destroying buddhist/jain shrines. they did not

oct 12th, 2010

the very word in arabic for idol is 'but'. shows their respect for buddhism. we also saw it in bamiyan.
one of the greatest crimes against humanity was the sack of nalanda by baktiar khilji ca 1192. not one monk was left alive, library burnt
buddhism was wiped out in india, as in afghanistan, central asia, etc. by mohdans. they beheaded monks, burned monasteries.
see my piece from 1997 on the sabarimala-tibet connection.
hindu-buddhist co-existence was the norm
similarly hindu-buddhist joint worship quite peaceful in java, etc.. in sabarimala. siva and avalokitesvara worshipped simultaneously
and as for angkor wat, i have been there: the eight-armed vishu idol is being worshipped as the buddha by cambodians. no fuss, no issue.
in salil's case, it may be ignorance plus brainwashing. in the 'eminent donkeys' case it is pure mischief. these are traitors.
so when salil farts around on this same topic (and see how he misspells kulothunga) he is just following the 'eminent donkey' methodology
anyway 'eminent donkeys' were totally trounced. their prize exhibit harsha was on the way to converting to mohdanism; sunga was not guilty
... yes, if the sainted harsh mander can lie like a trooper, why does one expect that some pissed-off buddhist monks couldn't lie abt sunga?
much like harsh mander transformed mohdan killings of pregnant hindu women to purple prose about hindus killing pregnant mohdan women
... ashoka apparently massacred some buddhist foes. in the retelling, peeved buddhist monks attributed same story to sunga
apparently sunga was accused of attacking buddhists, but in fact the deed was done by the sainted ashoka, who all agree was great!...
two, in 5000 years! pushyamitra sunga and harsha. then turned out harsha was a crypto-mohdan; sunga's story seems to be made up by enemies
shourie challenged 'eminent donkeys' to give explicit proof of hindus destroying buddhist/jain temples. much huffing/puffing, produced two..
there's more contd... RT 
: Please read & RT
's excellent rebuttal to Salil Tripathi


Dualnoise said...

The work done by Shantanu at his SEJ blog is eye-opening and honest. One can see the sincere effort put in by him and his friends to get to the best obtainable version of the truth.

So much for than all the "evidence" provided by eminent historians, aka psi-fi writers (pseudo-sickular fiction)

Anonymous said...

A good example of hindu-buddhist amity is found in Sikkim. Sikkim was once a buddhist kingdom. It became part of India in 1975. It has a substantial buddhist population. But Hindus (Nepalese)are in a majority. There is no tension between the communities there. There is freedom of religion in Sikkim.

But there is a lot of social tension in Bhutan.

In the 80s Bhutanese government evicted many nepalese hindus fearing a takeover by these people. I guess the bhutanese king feared the same fate as that of the ruler of Sikkim before Sikkim became part of India. Nevertheless, the evicted nepalese continue to live in refugee camps in Nepal.

B Shantanu said...

Thanks Rajeev - in particular for the link to your article re Sabarimala and Tobet. Fascinating!
I have added excerpts to my post.

In addition, you and your readers may find these two posts I wrote in response to Vir Sanghvi interesting and thought-provoking (they are to do with the causes for decline of Buddhism in India):


Dualnoise said...

Rajeev, just read your description (from a long time ago) on the Sabrimala-Lhasa connection. As fascinating as it gets. Please get these works published. Apart from it's educative value for many of us (Indian origin), it is so interesting for anybody to read.

nizhal yoddha said...

@shantanu, thanks, i am reposting links to your articles in this blog as they are worth re-reading

@shiva, thanks. i am too lazy to publish these things in a book, alas.