Tuesday, December 27, 2022

interesting thread on depopulation (of india) efforts by the US

according to me there's a logically consistent thread here:

1. wokes/Democrats think climate change is the biggest issue facing us
2. climate change is exacerbated by increasing population (never mind per capita emissions)
3. ergo, best thing to do is to reduce populations
4. which populations? why, of course, black and brown populations
5. so let's create biological warfare mechanisms to depopulate black and brown countries
6. small problem, US law prohibits gain of function type experiments
7. oh wait, chinese law doesn't. so let's fund the chinese (and others with lax rules)
8. let's create pandemics. let's even go so far as to obliquely warn about them
9. plan: pandemics mean only white (and ok, yellow) countries will have vaccines
10. other countries will be denied vaccines, and they will drop dead like flies
11. let's pick a lab... yeah, wuhan and send old peter daszak there with the funds
12. oops... idiots at wuhan released the thing earlier than we wanted 
13. ok, our friends at pfizer and moderna have a funky, untested tech called mRNA
14. let's hype up mRNA and pump out billions of doses as the panacea
15. but let's hoard the doses so that only white countries get them
16. hey presto: blacks and browns will die like flies. mission accomplished.
17. oops, bloody indians invented a vaccine that actually works and isn't a carrier of further bioweapons
18. let's use the native assets to deprecate covaxin and deny it WHO certification
19. double oops. covaxin seems to work, and black countries that got no vaccine seem just fine
20. triple oops: partner in crime china is now going to have massive infections
21. ok, back to the drawing board for the next bioweapon. go to step 1.

pretty interesting stuff here. mRNA will mess with your DNA, plus it can be a carrier for even worse bugs. 

see this thread about bad faith for a long time. 

brits tried to depopulate india through famines. didn't quite work. so this is plan B.

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