Monday, September 16, 2024

Quick notes: Reality check | Gig worker...

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Facebook Ban Against OpIndia - How to Respond

Facebook is now banning anyone from sharing articles from OpIndia:

This ban follows a concerted smear campaign against OpIndia by the Left:

We've seen the big furor Wikipedia has triggered in Indian courts by refusing court directives on ANI.

If ANI can move the courts on Wikipedia, then OpIndia should try doing the same against Facebook.

Or Alternatively:

Just as US authorities are now talking about divesting Tiktok from Chinese ownership so that it can function independently in America, likewise we Indians should talk about doing the exact same thing for Facebook, Wikipedia, etc in India.

If US can justify this, then we can too.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

what if china attacks through myanmar, northeast and bangladesh?

a doomsday scenario for india and an existential threat.

so taiwan could be a feint, and india the real front.

remember how xi insulted and humiliated hasina? he KNEW hasina would be out. how?

this may well be the chinese plan.

a win-win for all except india
1. china gets access to bay of bengal and truncates india
2. americans get to observe china's fighting capacity
3. pakistan gets revenge on india for balkanizing it
4. bangladesh gets revenge on india and reverts to being east pakistan

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Netflix Series 'IC814' Shows Terrorists Sympathetically, Provoking Outrage

When Obama and his crony Susan Rice have been on the board of Netflix, it's not hard to see how it became a garbage factory:

Monday, September 02, 2024

Quick notes: Predatory MNCs | Thorium solved...

  • E-commerce MNCs a threat to India: Amazon not doing India a favour by investing billions of dollars: Piyush Goyal.... “If you made ₹6,000 crore loss in one year, does that not smell of predatory pricing to any of you? Where did that loss come from?” The role of e-commerce in the Indian economy needs to be carefully evaluated and made citizen-centric to ensure there is no social disruption that may affect about 100 million small retailers across the country, the Minister said.

  • Waqf through the ages: How Rs 1-lakh crore property owner board acquires land... Entire village's land snatched away overnight, shocking reality of Thiruchendurai

  • Time To Shut Down Coaching Classes? Nobody wants to learn from the Chinese, but see how Xi Jinping addressed it in 2021. He demolished his entire tuition and coaching industry overnight. Reasons given: It was straining the finances of families, causing inequality, wasting families' time and taking young people away from more fun things. Everything, including coaching centres for China's famed UPSC equivalent, Gaokao, was banned. There was to be no tutoring for profit, no IPO listings, no share sales, limits on online learning, no mergers, acquisitions, foreign collaborations. End of story.

  • Thorium solved?: China to launch world’s first thorium molten salt power station<. Moving away from the water cooling model, this design significantly reduces the chances of meltdowns. Further, thorium reactors generatw less toxic and short-lived radioactive waste than uranium-fueled ones, thereby easing long-term disposal. They offer several potential advantages over traditional uranium reactors, including increased safety, reduced waste and improved fuel efficiency.... Thorium MSRs are a type of advanced nuclear technology that use liquid fuels, typically molten salts, as both a fuel and a coolant.

  • AI's insatiable energy demand: Amazon's purchase of a data center campus adjacent to a nuclear power facility speaks to a broader issue that Amazon and other tech giants are grappling with: the insatiable demand for energy from AI... not just power, AI is guzzling water too.

  • Beijing increases its influence in Nepal: Tibetans in Nepal not free to celebrate Dalai Lama's birthday.

  • Foxconn: Southern states look to outfox each other in hunt for a Foxconn ‘city’... 1. Land is all our politicans can think of. 2. And why no Hindi state or BJP ruled state in this race?

  • Environmental concerns persist as Amaravati 'world city' rises: “Amaravati is likely to be an environmental disaster in making. There are a series of environmental issues involved, revolving around forests, water bodies, wetlands, floodplains and the riverbed. It is a flood-prone area. Flood mitigation measures are going to be expensive”.... Rains turn Vijayawada into a lake.

india has to up its game in bangladesh in view of the regime change