Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Fwd: Your deportation from India

pretty rude comment to debbie abrahams, but only about as rude as her attempt to foment trouble in india.

also, as 'abrahams' is usually a jewish surname, possibly yet another instance of a jew who hates India, like Wendy and pollock. 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: A

Hi Debbie,

I saw the news about your deportation from India. Did you think your WHITE SKIN entitled you to rule over India?

You obviously do not understand that India is not obligated to give citizenship to every Pakistani because Pakistan itself was created out of India for MUSLIMS, and you also do not understand the concept of equality if you oppose the abrogation of Article 370 in Kashmir.

Since you are too dumb to understand the concept of EQUALITY, it proves that you are inferior brained.

What this means is that you are intellectually inferior and have become an MP merely because you are looked upon by the Labour Party leaders as nothing more than a body part and a woman with low IQ. Shameful! So this is what the Labour Party is about? They treat you as a body part.


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