Wednesday, January 09, 2013

In defense of the RSS

Excellent essay by Sandeep of Sandeepweb, based on facts.
The Dalaal media paints a totally biased image of the organisation and its leader, in conformance with the dishonest media's jaundiced vision.

Shri. Mohan Rao Bhagwat's comments regarding the recent unfortunate incidents, have been
characteristically distorted and perverted by the Chor media.

His actual statement needs to be disseminated and its context understood by those who form their opinion based on viciously prejudiced opinions of the Indian media that passes off as "news" (sic).

1 comment:

souixsie said...

Bhagwat's statement seemed muddled and open for leftist mischief, at least in the translation that was provided. It would be better if he had kept his mouth shut or found someone more articulate to state the Sangh Parivar's views of modern Indian society. My bone with the RSS is that they are anti-intellectual and promote blind obedience up the ranks rather than intellectual and/or administrative ability. It is representative of their inability to move forward that they stuck with their khaki shorts and semi-fascist salutes when any other modern organization would have long moved away from these outdated symbols. This is why Sita Ram Goel and Ram Swarup, the last of the towering Hindu intellects of their generation were kept at arms length by the RSS leadership. And why the same mediocre inheritors of the Sangh Parivar's leadership mantle today view Modi with deep suspicion.