Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Governor of Pakjab Assassinated Over Blasphemy Law

Salman Taseer, governor of Pakistani Punjab - and also former husband of Tavleen Singh - was assassinated by one of his police bodyguards, who pumped 24 bullets into him before surrendering to other police personnel. Taseer had apparently angered Pakistani fundamentalists by opposing Pakistan's oppressive blasphemy laws, which are often used to persecute religious minorities.


Arvind said...

i don't think husband is the correct term.

san said...

Well, I think Tavleen Singh and Salman Taseer were once married, were they not?

I'm sure the pushy Indian media will be seeking out Tavleen Singh for her reaction. I can just imagine Barking Mutt shoving a microphone into her face to demand comment from her.

Arvind said...

They met at a book exhibition when he was already a married man.

Jatin said...

Barking Mutt - I like that!

M. Patil said...

It would be more accurate to say that Salman Taseer was former husband of Tavleen Singh.

Islamic ideology is dangerous precisely because half reasoning animals think they have a shortcut to al fresco bordello(Jannat) by killing Kaffirs first and later less pious.

Anonymous said...

Pakistan "Scholars" Warn Against Mourning Salman Taseer's Death

smriti said...

Tavleen Singh and Salman Taseer weren't married - this according to the book by Aatish Taseer, Tavleen's son.

Barkha Mutt - that's classy.