Thursday, April 01, 2010

dr vijaya re modi and NDTV's biases

mar 31st, 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vijay

Dr.Prannoy Roy

Dear Dr. Roy,

I watched 3 programs on NDTV on the SIT questioning of
Mr. Narendra Modi and was impressed by their range and
general good quality.

Before I proceed let me thank you and Mr.Kawaljit of NDTV
for taking prompt and quick action to set right the Transmission
problem on the programs.

Vikram Chandra one of the anchors did a fine job in asking the
right questions. He was the only one present who mentioned
the  G word. He called it a tragedy.

Manish Tiwari was at his deafening loudest and seems to be a male
equivalent of Teesta Setalwad's loud shouting down of opponents,
although at this session she was relatively restrained. But between
the two of them, one to his left and one to the right, Swapan Das
Gupta, whose style is well modulated, though firm, could barely
make his voice heard. He managed to make one important point:
that despite all the progress that Gujarat has achieved, both develop
mentally and in social justice, liberal commentators always bring up
the question of the 2002 killing of Muslims.

Siddharth Varadarajan early on said that he has no dog in the fight.
But, ofcourse he does. He is the Left's roving ambassador. And in true
myopic style the Left does not see anything useful in any of the good
points of the other parties. One of the reasons it does not gain ground.

His stats. seemed flawed. The official count is about 1,000 people were
killed in 2002, of which 800 approximately were Muslims and 200 were
Hindus. This does not include the Hindus who were roasted alive in the
train in Godhra.

I recall reading that SIT had indicted Teesta Setalwad for being guilty
of tutoring witnesses and exaggerations. Hence it was surprising to see
her at the program, as if nothing had happened.

In one of the 3 programs that I watched ,Vinod Mehta was present and
as per usual he introduced a note of sanity into the question : whatever
the question of guilt or no guilt, Mr. Modi should be congratulated on
subjecting himself to a gruelling 10 hour questioning by the SIT.

It is my opinion that the bias against Mr.Modi is motivated not only by
a political agenda but also a class bias. I understand that he comes from
humble beginnings. So does Sonia Gandhi,I believe, until she met and married
Rajiv Gandhi. Neverthless, both Manish Tiwari and Mrs. Gandhi speak in an
unrestrained fashion about him (Manish calling him a mass murderer, even
when nothing has been established in a court of law, only accusations and
allegations swirling around) and Mrs. Gandhi uninhibitedly calling him names
even though it was under her husband's watch that thousands of Sikhs
were murdered in the capital, after Indira Gandhi's assasination by a Sikh.

I thought that Mr. Modi spoke with class and dignity both before and after
the SIT proceedings. He has repeatedly spoken about the majesty of the
law and that no one is above it. Yesterday he reiterated this by a moving
statement on the Indian Constitution.

A true patriot.

But the person who impressed me most in the program was the lady who
acted as the spokesperson for the BJP. In an extremely provocative
situation, with Manish Tiwari shouting out his provocations, she remained
calm and repeatedly referred to the need to let the due processes of law
take their course, rather than create atmospherics that would impede those

As Vinod Mehta said correctly : the Criminal Justice system is working.

Once again I want to thank you and NDTV for fine programs that keep
Indian viewers abroad well informed about the debates and discussionss
that are taking place in the old country.


Dr. Vijaya 


Prince said...

A patriotic Indian knows what these channels are upto!! all junk, anti-indian, foreign funded channels whose only aim is to divide India and let the religion of Churchianity rule (making clear distinction between Churchianity and Christianity!)

Anonymous said...

You mean "Dr" Roy and in Dr-Al Haji-Professor Idi Aman Dada?

Prince said...

Prannoy was unbiased in those golden days of TWTW till the agenda of Left was thrust on him after his marriage.
then he became another left propaganda machine and majority of these channels are funded to destroy our family system and divide the country.
to deviate a bit, as for print media, The Hindu was fine till Ram tookover and thrust his communist moorings to readers. ToI is nothing but as RS said, Toilet paper of India.
The best one is Pioneer which reports unbiased information, but there is only limited circulation.
If Ram resigns, then one can expect some unbiased reporting from The Hindu, but the greatest asset of The Hindu is it doesnot promote 'sensationalism' or 'tabloid stuff' of any kind and the content is sober. but still the editorial and some columnists like Vidya Subramaniam are biased while dealing with Hindu sentiments. too much of Left leaning by the The Hindu. hope the tilt gets rectified soon.

Vijay said...

does someone have the link to the video?

M. Patil said...

Fine programs and NDTV they are mutually exclusive.

Prince said...

perhaps Dr Vijaya got too carried away by the 'presentation'. If NDTV realizes that this particular program review by watchers does not hurt the Hindu sentiment, they will make doubly sure that next time, it would be "double leveraged" Hindu bashing!
so next time, let Dr Vijaya not be surprised!

InternetHindu said...

All NDTV related videos can be found on their official website under the respective program categories. View it more and more to understand how the controlling system works.

Anonymous said...

I saw two videos, one by Times Now and another by that shrill voiced Sagarika of CNN IBN.

Surprisingly, Sheela Bhatt, who I thought was biased based on evidence of her writing in, came off as a highly balanced person and put matters in perspective about Modi. One point she made was that not one FIR has so far been filed against Modi. The second she said subtly was that Modi uses the media very well and the media does not even know it is being used!Talk of political Jiujitsu!

Some gent called something Gupta and Abhishek Singhvi look like mentally challenged people and Tarun Vijay ticked off Sagarika very well when she said something about smugglers and others using technicalities and Modi doing something similar, all this because Modi did not deign to attend SIT on the first day of their provided dates. Arnab is a male equivalent of Sagarika and he showed himself to be a biased anchor, for lack of a better PC adjective and noun!God these channels are real PsoS and it is a tragedy that unbiased reporting died unnoticed quite some some time back. Why oh Why cannot we have a proper mainstream channel devoted to correct reporting and not paid lackeys masquerading as reporters?

चिराग: Chirag Patel said...

On a similar note, some have started this website challenging the ELM.