Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Why UID Aadhar is a really bad idea.

Here's a shocker of the news: Isreali Biometric Data Leaked

I never felt comfortable about the identity being handed over to the Government of India; there is no way privacy can be ensured.

I am also surprised as to why the whole contract was outsourced to a private company. Nandan may have an impressive resume but was it really required to have a CEO managing the public funds? There are enough murmurs that the acquisition costs of the biometric data has ballooned beyond mandated (estimates around 500 crore and rising) for the initial phase.

It is all with the lofty socialist Gandhian promise of targeting the "poor" and grand idea of micropayments.  


Dualnoise said...

Can we even begin to imagine the variety of ways in which a congress gov will use UID data to further its interests (especially those outside India) ?

Anonymous said...

I have an AAdhar card. It is not accepted as an identity proof. So much for 'Card replacing many cards'.