Saturday, February 12, 2011

official love-jihad poster from popular front of india

update: mar 4th, 2011

popular front of india claims that it did not create this poster, according to this comment.

==== quote =====

Derogatory Internet Poster; Popular Front Demands Investigation Friday, March 4th, 2011 Kozhikkode (Kerala): Popular Front of India state general secretary P Abdul Hameed filed a complaint before Kozhikkode city Police Commissioner and demanded proper investigation on a derogatory poster posted on internet regarding the issue of 'Love Jihad'. It was on February 11, the blog was posted in the name of Popular Front on Love Jihad, the issue even the Kerala High Court had rejected. The poster appeared in the blog contains real address of Popular Front offices in Kozhikkode, Chennai and Bangalore along with phone numbers and e mail addresses. Abdul Hameed made it clear that the organisation had never issued such a poster and did not subscribe to its content. This poster would bring enmity between the communities. The issue should be investigated thoroughly and proper actions be taken against culprits, he demanded. The poster that claims 'official love jihad poster from Popular Front of India' appeared on the blog by one Srinivasan. The poster calls upon Muslims to marry non Muslim girls and make them part of love jihad. And there is an announcement in the poster promising reward of lakhs of rupees for those persons indulging in this kind of 'love jihad'. .

======= end quote ======

therefore it has been deleted.

the post was originally made under the impression that the impugned poster was actually an official production of the popular front.

now that the popular front has stressed that it did not make the poster, and that it does not subscribe to the content of the poster, it has been removed.

any misunderstanding, however, is regretted.

the post, by a US person on a US server, is protected under the US First Amendment on free speech.

feb 11th, 2011
i haven't tried calling the 'secular' brothers at the numbers provided. hope someone will.
i love their caste-based pricing, so reminiscent of their 'blood-money': official numbers from saudi arabia in riyals. look up wikipedia on 'blood money'
In Saudi Arabia, when a person has been killed or caused to die by another, the prescribed blood money rates are as follows[
  • 100,000 riyals if the victim is a Muslim man
  • 50,000 riyals if a Muslim woman
  • 50,000 riyals if a Christian or Jewish man
  • 25,000 riyals if a Christian or Jewish woman
  • 6,666 riyals if a Hindu man
  • 3,333 riyals if a Hindu woman.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: siv


Anonymous said...

Islam demands that the unbelievers are converted upon marriage. Usually this will be the male converting the female, though the opposite situation can occur at times.

Wed not idolatresses till they believe; for lo! a believing bondwoman is better than an idolatress though she please you; and give not your daughters in marriage to idolaters till they believe, for lo! a believing slave is better than an idolater though he please you. These invite unto the Fire, and Allah inviteth unto the Garden, and unto forgiveness by His grace, and expoundeth His revelations to mankind that haply they may remember. 2:221

Muse (# 01429798200730556938) said...

Is it authentic?

It would be shame if it is not. said...

please give reff.

KS PILLAY said...

Islam is using money for spreading their religion. Hindus have forgotten that faith alone cannot preserve their religion . the caste ism practiced by hindus devastated the cornerstone of their religion. islam is not afraid on wealth . hindus believe begging is divine . so it is a common knowledge that muslims do not go for begging(if the fact is otherwise please pardon). u cannot substitute money with faith . that is history. declare begging as irreligious. teach them that begging when u are sufficiently rich or rather affluent then only begging is religious. jealousy towards islam cannot defeat them.

Dualnoise said...

see the US department of state official government report here for all the gory details:

Unknown said...

Hindu can save themselves only by following their eternal dharma(sanathana dharma).When a Hindu knows about the culture he carries within himself which is derived from Kashapa rishi (kashapakula gothrolpanna),nobody can cheat him or can encourage him from doing anything stupid.The only thing which saves India from all these sarcastic activities is that very culture's small escence present in every Hindu even now.So practise your Dharma,Not a single bastard would ever dare to touch you!!!!

Sudeep said...

"The Central Government squarely blamed the media, and only the media, for publicising the hoax that had an obvious malign intention. The “Love Jihad” affair had all the marks of a farce: but we will be foolish to brush it aside with laughter.."

"Love Jihad" was no farce, The Hoot

"It is about the disappearance of Anitha, of Bantwal, Dakshina Kannada, who was supposed to have been abducted by love jeahadis and was at the centre of Sangh Parivar campaign. She was alleged to be among the 3000 Hindu girls who fell to t...he jehadis.

The Dakshina Kannada police have discovered that she fell victim to the love jehad of a person called Mohan kumar, a serial killer, who is responsible for the murder of 19 girls from the Kasaroge- S.Kananda districts.

It is reported by police that this man has been abducting women with offer of marriage and after raping them killed them offering cyanide tablets that was supposed to be for avoiding pregnancy.."

The Love Jihad that Wasn't, The Hindu

For those who can read Malayalam:

ലൌ ജിഹാദിനും കഷണ്ടിക്കും..

nizhal yoddha said...

'the hoot' is a left-wing rag with no credibility. of course 'the hindu' is a chinese-funded paper. both these are very keen to present mohammedans as victims, always, as axioms.

i have spoken to male and female victims of love-jihad. it is clear many cases are deliberate 'grooming' of girls/women (and men) to convert, after which their 'husbands' pass them on to their friends as so many pieces of meat. many of the girls end up as maids in the homes of rich mohammedans (they are the lucky ones). the rest of them are trafficked to brothels around india and the middle east. or they end up dead: sometimes gang-raped until their insides burst.

and there have been similar stories all over the world, eg. in britain where hindu and sikh girls were targeted, even before this love-jihad epidemic happened in kerala.

more recently, the brits have been complaining about white girls 13-18 being 'groomed' for sex by pakistani mohdan men in britain.

go talk to the parents of a missing girl. or better still, to one who has somehow managed to escape. they will tell you this is a highly organized routine that preys on trusting hindus. it is demographic warfare.

Rudra Mukherjee said...

That is true ki hindu women were target by islam....

eggheadedram said...

The poster with regard to Love Jihad is true. I called two numbers by taking a Muslim name. The numbers I called were 080-23430432; Address: Deccan House; Bangalore. Another number is 0495-2723443; Address: Kozikode; Kerala. The person at the other end on Kerala number accepted that such a poster has indeed been released by their head office. But when I called Deccan House; Bangalore number the person did not deny the release of such a poster and gave an evasive reply and asked me to call again.

Unknown said...

Derogatory Internet Poster; Popular Front Demands Investigation
Friday, March 4th, 2011
Kozhikkode (Kerala): Popular Front of India state general secretary P Abdul Hameed filed a complaint before Kozhikkode city Police Commissioner and demanded proper investigation on a derogatory poster posted on internet regarding the issue of 'Love Jihad'.
It was on February 11, the blog was posted in the name of Popular Front on Love Jihad, the issue even the Kerala High Court had rejected. The poster appeared in the blog contains real address of Popular Front offices in Kozhikkode, Chennai and Bangalore along with phone numbers and e mail addresses.
Abdul Hameed made it clear that the organisation had never issued such a poster and did not subscribe to its content. This poster would bring enmity between the communities. The issue should be investigated thoroughly and proper actions be taken against culprits, he demanded.
The poster that claims 'official love jihad poster from Popular Front of India' appeared on the blog by one Srinivasan. The poster calls upon Muslims to marry non Muslim girls and make them part of love jihad. And there is an announcement in the poster promising reward of lakhs of rupees for those persons indulging in this kind of 'love jihad'. .

Anonymous said...

Derogatory Internet Poster; Popular Front Demands Investigation
Friday, March 4th, 2011
Kozhikkode (Kerala): Popular Front of India state general secretary P Abdul Hameed filed a complaint before Kozhikkode city Police Commissioner and demanded proper investigation on a derogatory poster posted on internet regarding the issue of 'Love Jihad'.
It was on February 11, the blog was posted in the name of Popular Front on Love Jihad, the issue even the Kerala High Court had rejected. The poster appeared in the blog contains real address of Popular Front offices in Kozhikkode, Chennai and Bangalore along with phone numbers and e mail addresses.
Abdul Hameed made it clear that the organisation had never issued such a poster and did not subscribe to its content. This poster would bring enmity between the communities. The issue should be investigated thoroughly and proper actions be taken against culprits, he demanded.
The poster that claims 'official love jihad poster from Popular Front of India' appeared on the blog by one Srinivasan. The poster calls upon Muslims to marry non Muslim girls and make them part of love jihad. And there is an announcement in the poster promising reward of lakhs of rupees for those persons indulging in this kind of 'love jihad'. .

Unknown said...

Dear Rajeev Srinivasan,

Can you explain from where did you get this poster to help investigating agency to trace the culprit who intents to create communal hatred in people of our country.

Servant of The Almighty said...

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In a society like ours where there are significant efforts from every community to avoid any sort of encounters in the name of religion, we should definitely try not to comment on things for which we do not have evidence. I am not a supporter of any specific party or organization, but still strongly believe that we have a judiciary here which has the capability to identify and punish the culprits in any case, should it has the will to do so, in view of building a stronger community inter relations.

So by keeping this in mind, please stay back from uttering filthy and nasty words on anyone without confirming that they are the culprits, whoever be they are, if you claim to be just. It ca only help create more holes in our societies. So please stay away from that if you claim to be just and kind towards your fellow human beings. Wrong accusations might bring in satisfaction to your mind, but it definitely is a bad trait.

So please do not indulge in that if you really believe in good human and social relationships and justice...

Your brother...

nizhal yoddha said...

very nice sentiments, servant of the almighty.

however, you would have a lot more credibility if you did not run a blog called 'islamic propagation center international, india' with a bunch of material trying to convince xtists that a) jesus is not son of god, b) they should convert to the mohammedan faith.