Sunday, May 17, 2009

Verdict 2009: Live in denial and things will improve automagically

may 16th, 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: निरवधि सीमा

Verdict 2009 is out and I am frustrated too. I can't believe this. Things are just not adding up. We, at least I was blindly believing whatever, not to name any names, BJP senior karyakartas, campaign managers and spokespersons were saying about the ground realities, through Youtube videos, Daily Pioneer (I feel its the only unbiased newspaper in Bharat) and various Blogs. I was certainly not believing what majority of Indian media was saying because it is clearly 100% Pro-Congress. Why else do you think most of them got Padma Shri and a bailout package? Even damn NPR here was interviewing Yogendra Yadav as a renowned psephologist, I mean give me a break. So then who was lying and/or was completely oblivious about the ground reality: media or BJP karyakarta?

The point is it can't just be media (although its a main cause certainly) and it certainly can't be Mr. Modi as some within the BJP are blaming to be which is completely ridiculous as the guy has done miracles in terms of development in Gujarat. Lets not be like Congress. If it wins then its because of Sonia & Rahul magic but if it looses then people are stupid, communal and it was because of Sardarji.

I guess the reason for BJP's loss is because of its party infighting, over confidence, not being able to reach the masses effectively in time, confusion over successions (democratically not monarchically), lack of portrayal of young faces and most certainly biased CEC Navin Chawla. Please don't take me wrong. BJP is definately more democratically structured than Congress's heir apparent monarchic structure. Its the ego of its own people which is not in BJP's control.

I mean seriously, 20 seats for Congress in UP now being credited to useless Rahul, the guy has not made even a single useful statement or speech in 5 years. Samuel Reddy voted back into power in Andhra. DMK wins in TN. Naveen in Odisha.

This just doesn't add up. I hope these were fair elections and no manipulation or EVM malfunctions happened, although I doubt that no malfunctions happened. I mean seriously, you want me to believe that Election Commission of India has stirct Quality Control guidelines when their website for Electoral Name Checks was not working from the first day and Election Results website was down within first hour of going Live. May be they should outsource it some private Indian company because latter is certainly not going to get any business from overtly protectionist US, thanks to Obama. An action which will be countered by Sardarji's awesome one solution for all: Live in denial and things will improve automagically. Amazingly it is working out for them quite good. I am sorry BJP but this formula doesn't work for us because we are not "seculars" as we believe in Karm, Bhakti and Gyan Yog.

But seriously, what has happened is no less than a nightmare to say the least.

On a positive note,

कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोस्त्वकर्मणि॥
- श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता २-४७

We did our Karm but the results are not in our hands. May be we didn't do our Karm better than the others. So we have to continue and build BJP again ground up in all the states. And seriously please hold on to the Assembly states that you are in right now, please don't goof up like Rajasthan and try to get in the states that you are not in, even if it means sitting in opposition. It may take time but BJP can attract/recruit young blood as there is no dearth of that.

Make the states that you are ruling such model states like Gujarat that people will be forced to elect development over vote bank and advertise it in time, positively.

Please clear the misunderstanding people have about BJP like Kandahar, Parliament, Communal face, association with hooligans of SR Sene, no young blood, etc. more aggressively to the masses. Please continue with LK Advani forums & blogs as one of the medium for feedback from those who are privileged to access Internet in Bharat (number of privilidged masses ain't going to improve much under corrupt Congress in next 5 yrs) and outside. Please continue with connect with the masses exercises like Friends of BJP events, Bloggers for BJP and Advani@Campus. We started these very late. Had this been started more than a year ago, it would have had some very positive ripple effects. Certainly continuing with it now will have positive ripple effects for future. So please don't abandon them.

Too sad its certainly going to be an uphill task to save Shri Ram Sethu and Sanatan Vedic Dharm/Sanskruti. But we have done it in the past and by God's grace we will do it again. Just focus on development and cultural rejuvenation (civilly) in the states that you already have and don't let them go because of party infighting or corruption.

However, the first thing that BJP needs to do is to pull up its socks, don't let the sense of demoralization set in its Karyakata and Supporters/Voters like they did in 2004. We were so shocked and demoralized what had hit us that BJP was not on political map as it didn't accept the ground reality for over a year. Please send clear messages and put up offensive brave face and continue to build party base. Congress has proved lie said a thousand times becomes the truth and that is what BJP needs to do but the opposite. Say the truth a thousand times and people will eventually see it in clarity. We should have started Manmohan is weak campaign over 2-3 years ago. But no worries, now be so aggressive, hit them where it hurts. They have done that to us too. But make sure your message reaches larger audience and in positive manner. This is the era to be aggressive, offensive and assertive to counter the Christian-Muslim Rightist Congress by being a party for all. Make sure you tell people this because people want to hear it just to be sure as they are too dumb to notice it. But please don't let your party workers be demoralized and your core voters/supporters be disenchanted by this defeat. That would break the very back bone of the party.

And watch out for this guy Navin Chawla with hawk eyes and please find out what did Congress know that we didn't about the ground reality.

Thank you Advaniji for all your selfless and tireless contribution to Bharat and Sanatan Dharm. May God Shri Ram bless you, us and May God Shri Ram always bless Bharat.


Dallas, TX

I am just a freelance activist and observer speaking out for the cause of Sanatan Dharm, its Anuyayi and the atrocities on Dharm in and outside Bharat. I like to express my views on the current socio-political environment in US and Bharat with facts. I am also inquisitive to learn about the true (not Nehruvian-Marxist-Anglicized-Islamified doctored version) history of Bharat which is subverted and suppressed despite right to freedom of speech. I am a staunch believer of our holy Shastr and that ॥सत्यमेव जयते नानृतं॥ (Truth Alone Triumphs, not falsehood) - Mundak Upanishad 3.1.6. I do this in my spare time as a selfless contribution to my God, my religion, and the society. Rest of the time I am just another blue collar working for bread and butter.


M. Patil said...

Long before elections I have been carping like a Cassandra

(i) Check those EVMs.
(ii) Start your own TV channel.

Now, these two are even more urgent. Not a day to lose.


Defender of India said...

Good article.We do need to connect to people.
Yes it is a loss due to misscommuncation.
More books more TV programes ,More Videos etc are needed

sands said...

i duno about EVM's maybe its true maybe not but surely we will look like sore losers

Here is my take on this unimaginable disaster is there was surely anti incumbency with price rise job loss and bomb blasts going off everywhere ...
1.In 3 key states namely maharastra,tamil nadu and amdhra pradesh there was this 3 rd angle namely raj thackeray ,chiranjeevi and vijaykanth without any doubt split the anti incumbency vote and helped congress and allies especially in TN where is high voter turnout which means there was considerable anger against Govt
Then of course key state where BJP lost was rajasthan where they were expected to lose but not so heavily
i am sorry this all due that one ,an whom the ELM loves ..lalit modi that idiot made rajasthan into mini casino which deserted even some of the committed voters away no wonder ELM loves him for that stupid IPL

Anonymous said...

EVMs may have been partly rigged. Around Delhi, all states have apparently voted Kkangress, while in other places, BJP has done reasonably well. UP, there is some hope after the total decimation last time. How would Uttarkhand go totally kkangress if the machines were not fixed? Methinks, Chawla could fix the machines from delhi but it was more difficult to do it elsewhere. Could be I am just a paranoid conspiracy theorist, but the facts just do not add up to such a large number of seats for the kkangress. Where have Rama and Krishna gone? They are not around because our middle class has not done its duty. Many of them did not vote because of the summer. Then who is to blame?

sands said...

ya i think uttaranchal was shocker to say the least !!!! 5-0... maybe we are parnaiod but again delhi .. how did 7-0 happen so many bomb blasts happned but maybe people thought if we vote for BJP terrorists will get angry so vote congress so we bangaloreans need to brace up for terror attacks then!! punishment for voting BJP !!
and seema ji please dont be so apologetic about being hindu right wing :-( in this dark hour

Vijay said...

From historical times, Hindus in greater numbers have failed to realise that this is not a fair world where transactions are fair and just. Expectations of Innate goodness of the enemy is foolish and naive. Eamples go back to the times of first Muslim attacks in Sindh, PrithviRaj Chauhan, Vijayanagara Empire and to our present day situation.
BJP is crying about so many things that were tipped against its favor. But of course, it will be!! The CEC is biased, media is undoubtedly biased both print and electronic and the international community has filled the electorate with pliable idiots via money and faith mongering. But the bigger question is what the BJP is doing to fix the situation. Nothing!!