Wednesday, January 16, 2019

American FBI & Indian CBI - Natural Nests for Deep State Games?

It feels like India's own Deep State is acting up. After watching CNN and other Lefty media raise a ruckus over Trump's firing of FBI Director Comey (they want him impeached over this), we suddenly see a ruckus being raised by Indian Lefty media over Modi's suspension of CBI Director Alok Verma, conveniently just before the elections.

It almost seems like a case of Monkey-See-Monkey-Do. I'm beginning to feel that Indian political strategists have succumbed to the mental laziness of plagiarism, and are simply coming up with stunts by borrowing from the playbooks of strategists in other countries such as the United States. Given how much our Urdu film industry (aka."Bollywood") likes to plagiarize from Hollywood, I wouldn't be surprised at their political siblings likewise deciding to plagiarize from the political games of other countries.

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